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OK so when minion was updated after 2.3 i switched to beta version and I have a few questions.

I'm having an issue where the bot will run to a fate, level sync, and proceed to stand at the edge of fate and wait(still on choco) until the end of the fate. I have Do Atma, Do FATES, and Fates only checked and skillmanager is set to Jakie1234's PLD3.0 which has always worked fine before.

There is no longer an option to kill attacking non-fate mobs(unless im blind and dumb, so if i happen to get aggro the bot just stands there.

From what i can tell everything is set up correctly, so if anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm sure its something I'll kick myself for missing
its probably a beta issue beta goes under tons of changes constantly testing new features commands which inturn may break something else. If its something you need to over come now i suggest using live version of the bot till beta is more stable. but ill have ace/f3re look into it.
(07-18-2014, 01:16 AM)jackie1234 Wrote:  its probably a beta issue beta goes under tons of changes constantly testing new features commands which in turn may break something else.

The bot not engaging in combat is a pretty big deal. Not sure how this could possibly have been overlooked, I'm having this problem too. The bot flat out will not engage enemies.
Which map/class are you guys having issues with?
(07-18-2014, 03:11 AM)go6sGCr Wrote:  
(07-18-2014, 01:16 AM)jackie1234 Wrote:  its probably a beta issue beta goes under tons of changes constantly testing new features commands which in turn may break something else.

The bot not engaging in combat is a pretty big deal. Not sure how this could possibly have been overlooked, I'm having this problem too. The bot flat out will not engage enemies.
thats odd because im using grind mode right now with a PLD doing a 1-15 grind + fates in the zone just out side uldah and its working just fine. Maybe you dont have everything set up correctly.
(07-18-2014, 01:32 PM)Ace Wrote:  Which map/class are you guys having issues with?

Maps: Shroud: North, Central, South|Thanalan: Western, Central, South|La Noscea: Western, Upper|Coerthas
Maps not tested: Shroud: East|Thanalan: Eastern, Northern|La Noscea: Outer, Eastern, Lower|Mor Dhana

Classes: Pld, Whm, brd
Classes not tested:all other DoM, DoW

The issue has been raised already in this thread I found:
But it has been ignored.

In this thread starting from post #27, devs seem to think that grinding in fates does work, but grinding outside of fates requires a marker. But they don't explain how to get fate grinding to work:
Fate grinding does work. You load the mesh for your zone you put the bot on grind mode you enable do fates you adjust the + - for your fates then select a skill profile and hit start. what level are you and what fates are you trying to do. because im right now fate grinding on 4 accounts and its working fine.

[Image: vOKMwwK.jpg]

as you can see here he is engaging the target in a fate with a lvl 50 character

[Image: HB46igk.png]

beta bot as well
I have navmeshes loaded. Beta bot for whatever reason doesn't come with them, so I just used my old ones. The bot will accurately run to the fate, so I don't *think* this is the problem, although it could be since I didn't make the mesh by hand.

I am level 50 and I set +level to 0 and -level to 0. When this didn't work, I tried to set +level to 0 and -level to 50, my thinking being that 50-50 is 0, I would engage all fates from level 0 to 50.
I am not sure which fates to name; I watched the bot refuse to dismount and engage for about 20 minutes per zone, mostly on the brd. Pld and whm I only watched for a few minutes at most.

I looked at the console and there are no output messages after the beta bot moves into position. Does combat require lua files that are not present? I tried using both the archer skill manager as well as making my own custom bard, I am not sure what other lua files I need.

EDIT: Further testing suggests that if I uncheck "Fates only", the bot will correctly engage fate mobs (and regular mobs). If I check "fates only" when the bot is already doing a fate, it will continue until the fate is done. This implies to me that "fates only" is the failure point for me.
see this is the info needed it seems fate only is whats broken. for now i suggest not clicking do fates only untill they have the chance to look at it. also the way the - and + work. its how far below your current level or how far above your current level do you want to do fates.

so if you are level 30 and you do -10 and +10 it will do lvl 20 to lvl 40 fates. if you are level 50 there are no fates above you so you can leave that at 0 and you can do -50 or 0. 0 means every fate below your current level.
I found the issue, it'll be corrected in the next update.

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