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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
This information pertains to the currently running beta, soon-to-be live minion.

To start gathering unspoiled, some setup is required.

First, Options,
[Image: 3nyf7IY.png]

To gather unspoiled nodes, you must have:

-"Gather Unspoiled" on.
-"Use Cordials" (only effective for unspoiled nodes right now) - optional. The bot will use a cordial if the required GP set by the marker is more than 50 greater than your current GP upon reaching the node. Other considerations may be later added.
-"Start Location" - a proper starting location must be selected before starting the bot, one that is current up right now, or will within a game hour or 2 is most effective.
-"Miner Gearset" - the in-game # associated with your mining gearset. If this number is wrong, the bot will be unable to change classes.
-"Botanist Gearset" - the in-game # associated with your botany gearset. If this number is wrong, the bot will be unable to change classes.

Second, Markers:
[Image: 5NgVYXW.png]
-Markers should be placed in an area where the node will be displayable on the minimap when it spawns (not as an arrow pointing somewhere else).
-Any markers placed outside of minimap radius are too far away and are likely to not be picked up by the scan.

[Image: JU7kiWd.png]

New options and settings have been added to a new marker type - Unspoiled Markers.

-Minimum GP - sets the minimum GP requirement before the node interaction will begin, to ensure proper skill profile usage.
-Gather Gardening - allows gardening items to be gathered
-Gather Maps - select the type of map gathering to do
-Skill Profile - sets the skill profile to be used for specifically for this marker
-Marker Time and Levels have no bearing on unspoiled gathering.

Third, Locations:
[Image: 292UQjW.png]

Once you have your markers, you can build your location. Most of the fields are self-explanatory.
Locations must be managed while your character is on the map you will be using for the location.
There are many reasons for this, and they cannot be avoided, so just do it.

-Location Name - some friendly name you'll recognize
-Hour - the hour that the node actually spawns (0-23), where 0 is 12AM, 23 is 11 PM, etc.
-Class - which class is required for the node type at this location
-Refresh Map - use this button to refresh the list of available markers on this map.
-Marker Name - the marker which indicates the waiting area for this node.
-Is Idle - You should have at least one "Idle" location where the bot can go in between locations. I personally used Limsa. You should never have more than one idle location, as this is not supported and may cause issues.

[Image: gzNNcJc.png]

Locations can be edited once saved, and should also be saved while on the map for that particular location.

-Enabled - if you want to save this location, but not use it in the active rotation, uncheck this.


-If your timing is off, it is most likely your OS clock. You can verify what time it is by checking the "Eorzea Time" in the Advanced Settings window, under "Bot Status" tab.

-The bot is supposed to go to the nodes an hour early.

-You need to use the "Refresh Map" option to refresh some of the dropdowns if locations are added, or if you change maps and need to pull up the list of markers, etc.
I got a question using 'gather map'. The only options I have are 'any', 'none' and 'Peisteskin map'.
To indicate which navmesh map should be loaded should be useful ?

great work btw.
That setting refers to treasure maps gathered from nodes, not navmesh maps.
The current navmesh you are using for the area is the navmesh used.
Does the Bot support legal teleportation to different zones so it can follow the Eozerea time, gather list and the unspoiled nodes defined by the user? Or is this limited to one zone and one node with only one harvest per 24h? If so, that is not very effective when it comes to gil/h compared to other gathering and buying the unspoiled item from market board.
(08-30-2014, 06:53 AM)bizzmo Wrote:  Does the Bot support legal teleportation to different zones so it can follow the Eozerea time, gather list and the unspoiled nodes defined by the user? Or is this limited to one zone and one node with only one harvest per 24h? If so, that is not very effective when it comes to gil/h compared to other gathering and buying the unspoiled item from market board.

^ I was wondering the same thing
(08-30-2014, 06:53 AM)bizzmo Wrote:  Does the Bot support legal teleportation to different zones so it can follow the Eozerea time, gather list and the unspoiled nodes defined by the user? Or is this limited to one zone and one node with only one harvest per 24h? If so, that is not very effective when it comes to gil/h compared to other gathering and buying the unspoiled item from market board.

Yes it does. It will teleport via legit method to zones depends on time. You just have to set it up.
That's awesome! Can't wait to try this out : D
I'm having a problem with the gathering system all together, well, not an actual problem, more of a misunderstanding.
I want to mine Fire Shards, yet, every time I start to mine, it just goes for the first thing. How do I specify what mineral I want to mine?
Edit the marker, and write the item you want to gather at item1, then at item2 you can write an item that will be gathered if item1 is not present.
(08-31-2014, 11:11 PM)karmareaper1103 Wrote:  I'm having a problem with the gathering system all together, well, not an actual problem, more of a misunderstanding.
I want to mine Fire Shards, yet, every time I start to mine, it just goes for the first thing. How do I specify what mineral I want to mine?

you read the marker manager tutorial

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