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Update 16.6. - Reports go in here
To verify the time the bot is using for Eorzea time for unspoiled gathering, use this in the console:

It should display as about 4 minutes behind the in-game time.
If this displays incorrectly for you, please list what it displays, and your current operating system time and time zone.
looting crashes 6/8 instances
still need to manually click on server selection to log in
When logging in, bot doesnt select okay at data center selection
Running three! clients stable..-ish right now. Any more than that and all of them crash one by one. It does not matter whether the bot is actually "on" or whether the bot is only attached. It will simply close the game.
Click to teleport makes the game crash. When I lunch all my account from the gui it stucks at the server selection. I have to manually select each server on each account
(09-17-2014, 06:33 PM)random73 Wrote:  
(09-17-2014, 06:09 PM)magnetbox Wrote:  When I start to grind and do fates, it'll go for a second, hops on chocobo, then runs backward into something. I point the character in the direction i need it to go, it goes back on course, then 50% of the time it'll stay on course and arrive at the fate, but then it does the same thing. It dismounts, targets mob, and keeps running til it hits something.

Are you using legacy mode ?

So for some reason when someone else in my party teleports to a different zone. And i click on the tp-message to accept or decline. It automatically accepts. Unsure whether i did something wrong or not as i did not change my settings pre-patch.

On different characters it also auto accepts anything thrown at them. such as FC invites or party invites.
(09-17-2014, 07:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  To verify the time the bot is using for Eorzea time for unspoiled gathering, use this in the console:

It should display as about 4 minutes behind the in-game time.
If this displays incorrectly for you, please list what it displays, and your current operating system time and time zone.

after that second update today it works again, but thanks for that piece of code, makes verification easy
Looting chest also crashes the bot.
Cannot auto dismount upon reaching grind marker to grind.
D= ""Error"" you need to select a mount in the minnion settings.

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