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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
(09-11-2014, 01:16 PM)Ace Wrote:  I'm going to be creating an import/export addon for a lot of things in settings, such as gathering, hunt, markers, etc. Lot of stuff on the todo list right now though, but hopefully you should see this stuff soon. I'll look at the cordial problem, I know at one point it didn't work at all, but should've been corrected.

The cordial problem happens when you still don't have enough GP after you use the cordial. It seems like the cooldown of item is not taken into consideration and keep creating useitem subtask... well I'm not sure about that, but I hope this info help.
Thanks, I think I know what the issue is. Skill Profile switching should be working properly as of last night.
I'll start by stating how awesome you devs are :P
is there anyway to make gathering unspoiled work like an assist?
Scenario---im gathering wind shards afk, and i want it to tele to unspoiled as needed (using an already made location list). Can this be done currently, or maybe added?
thank you in advance for response!

(09-17-2014, 06:53 PM)ffxivmage Wrote:  I'll start by stating how awesome you devs are :P
is there anyway to make gathering unspoiled work like an assist?
Scenario---im gathering wind shards afk, and i want it to tele to unspoiled as needed (using an already made location list). Can this be done currently, or maybe added?
thank you in advance for response!

or for that matter if i were grinding*
I think I'm retarded cause I cant get the bot to start mining the unspoiled.
I can only get Mor Dhona to work, it won't gather in another zone when I try to set up. Also refuses to gather Grade 3 Thanalan Soil when I force the gather and let it finishes.

Any advice?
Can someone explain how is the calculation of the time to teleport being done? I am asking because I set my timers right on the locations but It will teleport like 4-5 earlier to the node and it will just keep doing it over and over so in the end I cannot gather anything because it will teleport before the node appears.
If the time is off, double check that your OS clock time is correct. The Eorzean time is calculated based on the OS clock time, including time zone, so if you're time zone is set incorrectly, or the clock time is wrong, it will calculate the wrong time.

It should go to the next node up to 1 in-game hour earlier.

You can double check the bot's in-game time using a command of:


The time should be roughly 2-4 in-game minutes behind.
Nice tutorial! Thanks
(09-26-2014, 02:03 PM)Ace Wrote:  If the time is off, double check that your OS clock time is correct. The Eorzean time is calculated based on the OS clock time, including time zone, so if you're time zone is set incorrectly, or the clock time is wrong, it will calculate the wrong time.

It should go to the next node up to 1 in-game hour earlier.

You can double check the bot's in-game time using a command of:


The time should be roughly 2-4 in-game minutes behind.

Thank you very much for explaining how it worked and also providing with the code to use in the console. I was able to finally get it to work just how I wanted.
Hi, Can you explain how config when the nodes spot move between differents X Y

in mor dhona for cluster botanist => 31.14 and 31.11 1h/5h/9h

when its 5h node pop 31.11 or 31.14.
but when minion go to 31.11 and node are not here ( coz he is on 31.14) the bot stay and wait but dont go to check the next spot

can you explain me please how config two locations in same map, in same hours and if the node are not in this place, move on the next for check the node.

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