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FFXIV Update and New Toys! - MapClick NavigateTo / Teleport
teleporting works without a mesh, traveling can't and will never.

BTW: the use mesh options is only used if you teleport to an NPC,Object or Aetheryte by clicking on the list. It will then teleport to the point nearest to that that is in the mesh. Should help to keep you out of walls and furniture.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
does this not working anymore? ctrl+shift click doesn't do anything. ctrl click still travels though.
(10-06-2014, 09:46 PM)k131n Wrote:  does this not working anymore? ctrl+shift click doesn't do anything. ctrl click still travels though.

It still works.
really? wtf am i doing wrong now it use to work for me the travel works
(10-06-2014, 11:14 PM)k131n Wrote:  really? wtf am i doing wrong now it use to work for me the travel works

No idea, i'm assuming you have click to teleport ticked.

[Image: 5cb5e27478.jpg]
Oh, now I get it. "Click (on Map) to travel" means "walk /run there". I was trying to click on the ground near me :<
nice update
is the speedhack working? ive had no luck with it since the change to the new version. I see the click to teleport is fixed/no longer crashing but the speedhack is giving me the stink eye.
(10-08-2014, 05:09 PM)klepp0906 Wrote:  is the speedhack working? ive had no luck with it since the change to the new version. I see the click to teleport is fixed/no longer crashing but the speedhack is giving me the stink eye.

Perma sprint you mean? Yeah that also works.
will get banned for using teleport ?Complaint

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