This Tutorial will go over the function and location of the Advanced Settings in ffxiv minion bot.
First things first you will want to click the Advanced Settings Tab.
![[Image: HICW2lG.png]](
You should get a window that looks like this.
![[Image: 6ZvxPnB.png]](
The advanced settings window contains settings that are typically GLOBAL settings. These settings will effect every mode you are in. Unlike the settings tab that shows up on the main bot window which are specific settings that only effect the mode you are currently in.
![[Image: 9edh67v.png]](
BotStatus: This is kinda a settings and information tab. It will give you information about what current taks you are in, marker name/timer, game time along with counts and timers for the current task you are doing. This is where you can enable log and cne log, so that you can get more information on what currently the bot is doing.(helpfull information when you are reporting a bug)
![[Image: MjOQ2wu.png]](
General: This will hold most of the important settings that you will need in game.
Autostartbot: Which when enabled will you guessed it, auto start the bot once the gui_launcher launches the game.
Use Aetherytes: is used in only certain modes like hunts, questing, atma. But this will enable your bot to teleport to new zones faster using the in game teleport skill.
Use Mount: Will enable the bot to mount up bewteen combat. Used in modes such as Grind, Fates, Atama, Hunts, Questing
Mounts: When Mount is enabled you can choose your mount from this drop down menu.
Mount Distance: When Mount is enabled you can set the distance at which the bot will choose to mount. If the destination is above this setting the bot will mount and then dismount once it gets to the destination.
Use Sprint: similar to Use mount when this is enabled the bot will use the sprint ability inbetween combat.
Sprint Distance: just like Mount distance this will set the distance at which the bot will use the Sprint Ability.
Companion: Choose what mode you want the bot to summon your chocobo companion to fight with you. IE. Assist, Grind, Any.
Stance: When you summon your chocobo what stance you want it to be in. IE. Defender Attacker Healer or Free stance.
Food: drop down menu on which food you want to use.
HQ Food: What HQ food you want to use.
Avoid Aoe: This will Avoid Aoe in specific modes, Grind,Quest,Hunts.
Randomize Path: The bot will try to create an unique path from your position to your destination.
Enable Unstuck: when you are stuck it will attempt to use the in game telepot function still pretty buggy i wouldnt enable it yet.
Craft HQ Mats: Enable this for crafting to use HQ materials while
Shortcut Manager: To change some specific hot keys like Filter 1, filter2 ,permasprint, speed hack, start/stop.
![[Image: Mq4rRGG.png]](
Player HP/MP/TP: This is the setting for controling when yoru character Rests/Flees combat/ or take potions.
![[Image: je8ghOQ.png]](
Hacks: This is where you can enable Repair, Disable Renders, Teleport, Perma Sprint, Skip Cutscenes, Skip Dialogues, Click to Teleport and Click to travel.
Click to Teleport: CTRL+SHIFT+click on map
Click to Travel: Ctrl+click on map
Paranoid: New feature added, When enabled it will not Teleport if Characters are with in 30y.
First things first you will want to click the Advanced Settings Tab.
![[Image: HICW2lG.png]](
You should get a window that looks like this.
![[Image: 6ZvxPnB.png]](
The advanced settings window contains settings that are typically GLOBAL settings. These settings will effect every mode you are in. Unlike the settings tab that shows up on the main bot window which are specific settings that only effect the mode you are currently in.
![[Image: 9edh67v.png]](
BotStatus: This is kinda a settings and information tab. It will give you information about what current taks you are in, marker name/timer, game time along with counts and timers for the current task you are doing. This is where you can enable log and cne log, so that you can get more information on what currently the bot is doing.(helpfull information when you are reporting a bug)
![[Image: MjOQ2wu.png]](
General: This will hold most of the important settings that you will need in game.
Autostartbot: Which when enabled will you guessed it, auto start the bot once the gui_launcher launches the game.
Use Aetherytes: is used in only certain modes like hunts, questing, atma. But this will enable your bot to teleport to new zones faster using the in game teleport skill.
Use Mount: Will enable the bot to mount up bewteen combat. Used in modes such as Grind, Fates, Atama, Hunts, Questing
Mounts: When Mount is enabled you can choose your mount from this drop down menu.
Mount Distance: When Mount is enabled you can set the distance at which the bot will choose to mount. If the destination is above this setting the bot will mount and then dismount once it gets to the destination.
Use Sprint: similar to Use mount when this is enabled the bot will use the sprint ability inbetween combat.
Sprint Distance: just like Mount distance this will set the distance at which the bot will use the Sprint Ability.
Companion: Choose what mode you want the bot to summon your chocobo companion to fight with you. IE. Assist, Grind, Any.
Stance: When you summon your chocobo what stance you want it to be in. IE. Defender Attacker Healer or Free stance.
Food: drop down menu on which food you want to use.
HQ Food: What HQ food you want to use.
Avoid Aoe: This will Avoid Aoe in specific modes, Grind,Quest,Hunts.
Randomize Path: The bot will try to create an unique path from your position to your destination.
Enable Unstuck: when you are stuck it will attempt to use the in game telepot function still pretty buggy i wouldnt enable it yet.
Craft HQ Mats: Enable this for crafting to use HQ materials while
Shortcut Manager: To change some specific hot keys like Filter 1, filter2 ,permasprint, speed hack, start/stop.
![[Image: Mq4rRGG.png]](
Player HP/MP/TP: This is the setting for controling when yoru character Rests/Flees combat/ or take potions.
![[Image: je8ghOQ.png]](
Hacks: This is where you can enable Repair, Disable Renders, Teleport, Perma Sprint, Skip Cutscenes, Skip Dialogues, Click to Teleport and Click to travel.
Click to Teleport: CTRL+SHIFT+click on map
Click to Travel: Ctrl+click on map
Paranoid: New feature added, When enabled it will not Teleport if Characters are with in 30y.