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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
I got a problem. The bot never gather Scarlet Sap, Antumbral Rock,and Redolent Log for me. I correctly set the necessary setting including the marker and location. The bot work well except for those three. The bot will just stand the marker that set, and do nothing. The deposit is just near by me. And even I walk to it and stand at the position where the unspoiled deposit is. The bot won't gather it unless I click it by myself. Any idea or solution?
Sounds like they aren't on the mesh you're using, so it isn't finding them.
Just wondering if there is a way to set up your idle destination to a personal or fc house teleport? I tried setting it up just like I would one of the main cities but it will just sit there when it finishes gathering and doesn't port till next node is up. Its not a big deal but I would be cool to port some where that doesn't get a lot of traffic. Thanks for the great work
I don't think so, at least not easily, because the Aetheryte list doesn't support those maps that well.
At the moment having problems gathering clusters, it's not going to all the locations. I never read up on how it reads the unspoiled deposits but I always found it that you have to place the marker so it can read around. Before the patch I had a good marker, but now it seems that they have spread them out...the cluster deposits. Do the deposits have to be updated on the meshes...or so it just that marker is out of range. Because I found this problem for different items prior to patch.
For some reason when I set up the unspoiled nodes list all of my Mor Dhona ones work, but it doesn't want to teleport to another location for the 1am node there. I made sure the times are different. However, when I look at the locations they all say the same marker name. Is there a way around it or is it just a reading error based on the current navmesh?
Thx for the guide so many things to learn... Between reading this guide an Saik's unspoiled profile I kinda got it workin... Now my question if I only turn on 3-4 nodes for example is it possible for the bot to just ride the choco to the next location..? As I am just casual user having it constantly teleporting would break my small bank ... Thank you for any help
Is there an addon anywhere that will add all the locations an markers for the unspoiled? Instead of having to go around an mark ech individual one?

Also, I set up item priority but whatever it uncovers first it mines it instead of looking for the item priority. Using Toil fixes this

Some unspoiled I walk up to, it selects it but doesn't mine it. I can manually click it an its fine but will not mine it
@boris, the marker has to be placed in such a way that, you can see all possible node spawns on your minimap (while it's zoomed out to max). The minimap represents the "scan" range the client has and that the bot can see internally without having to wander around and look for it.

@Ignitius, it's normal for multiple "locations" to share the same markers. Usually if you have one time/location that isn't working, you can fix it by going back to that map, opening the location, and re-saving it. If you edit a location while at another location, it uses that location's map ID as the destination, which will break that location.

@lexus, not at the moment, maybe I'll add that in.

@twoods, that was a temporary dll problem, it should be sorted now if you update. Marker files can be shared, and the locations can be imported, if someone is nice enough to export them all.
Thx for the reply Ace

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