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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
Anyone willing to share there markers an locations. Ace I updated an im still getting this problem. Do I need to redo the markers an locations?

Edit: Redoing the markers an Locations seemed to fix it
Is it possible to setup 2 mining profiles and use on different locations? Like when im gathering clusters use one set of skills an ore another set?
yes you can set skills profile on the marker
I am trying to gather darksteel ore and spruce lumber. Is this possible? I am successful in gathering darksteel ore however when spruce lumber pops nothing happens. I restarted the bot when the spruce was active and it just ran to gather ice shards which I didn't create a marker for.
(02-20-2015, 06:00 AM)kgbrown247 Wrote:  I am trying to gather darksteel ore and spruce lumber. Is this possible? I am successful in gathering darksteel ore however when spruce lumber pops nothing happens. I restarted the bot when the spruce was active and it just ran to gather ice shards which I didn't create a marker for.

Make sure you have your miner and botanist gearset numbers filled in under Gather Settings and that the locations have the correct class chosen, otherwise minion won't know what gear to swap you into for the lumber.
(02-20-2015, 02:45 AM)Cichard Wrote:  yes you can set skills profile on the marker

I made a custom skillset an went into the marker manager an selected skil profile but the ones I create are not showing, only the premade ones.

NVM: Reloading the LUA an it showed up
Is there a way to set it up so, while there is no active unspoiled nodes it goes to a regular marker an mines?

Also I have Gather Gardening checked but it still doesn't gather the topsoil. Any Ides on what I can do to fix?
Did you gather the topsoil at least once, or is it still unknown? Mine wouldnt gather it until i gathered it once.
(02-23-2015, 06:16 AM)rsilva712 Wrote:  Did you gather the topsoil at least once, or is it still unknown? Mine wouldnt gather it until i gathered it once.

Yes ive gathered it a few times manually already
If your profile doesn't have Toil in it, it won't gather it for unspoiled nodes, IIRC.

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