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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
Hi!, I spent 2 hours setting it up and i got only one thing to say!

Thank you for this loovely bot!, Works like a charm!!

Just one thing crossed me, what if i would like to get both darksteel ore and crawler coocon, since they both show at 1 am?, could i put crawler one hour latr with no problem?
You have like 2 hours to get the node, it will just teleport from one to another .
I used to be apprehensive in trying this out, but once I took the time to learn it and set it up properly, it works nicely! Happy

I do have a question though :O

From what I understand, if you set an "Idle" location, it will try to gather in that location.
What I did then was set a an unspoiled marker in Costa.
I treated it like a normal marker and set it to the area I wanted my character to gather at when idle (water crystals).
I then set the new location with a filler time and at the idle marker I want it gather at, along with which class they should be.

However, what mine is doing is that if what I gathered previously before it idles was a different gathering class, it sometimes won't switch classes.
For example, I was getting clusters as a Miner in Mor Dhona and I port to my idle map after for gathering, but it won't change classes to Botanist and stays a Miner.
Then what it proceeds to do (another thing I noticed) was that since it is a miner, it goes and runs to the nearest mining node and starts mining shards.
This is not too huge of a problem since it's at least making use of idle time, but I just noticed it and wondered if that's how it's supposed to work.
Sometimes, it doesn't do this though. It will just stay a Miner and stand there doing nothing. It feels random and I never know what it will do when it's in the Idle zone.

And that transitions to my final question--when you set a map to idle gather at, do you have any choice about which nodes you get to gather at?
Or will it just choose the nearest available nodes?
Anyone having issues gathering Rosemary? Seems like the bot thinks it is a gardening item and not a regular node item.
I've attempted to problem solve the issue i'm having for a while now, and cant seem to get it right.

I have my unspiled node farming setup to where ul'dah is my idle spot, after which i have a about a dozen unspoiled node spots in my list. The bot will idle in Ul'dah correctly, then teleport to the 1am Botany Clusters at 12am. it will successfully go to East. Thanaln to farm antumbral on miner, then go to north shroud to farm Scarlet Sap. Once it reaches the marker, the bot just sits there forever. Sometimes it will teleport to mor d'hona and just sit @ the aetherite.

I've checked my settings for the marker and the unspoiled list and everything seems fine. Anyone know what the common problem is for incorrect idle @ unspoiled markers?
(03-14-2015, 10:33 PM)Kireien Wrote:  I used to be apprehensive in trying this out, but once I took the time to learn it and set it up properly, it works nicely! Happy

I do have a question though :O

From what I understand, if you set an "Idle" location, it will try to gather in that location.
What I did then was set a an unspoiled marker in Costa.
I treated it like a normal marker and set it to the area I wanted my character to gather at when idle (water crystals).
I then set the new location with a filler time and at the idle marker I want it gather at, along with which class they should be.

However, what mine is doing is that if what I gathered previously before it idles was a different gathering class, it sometimes won't switch classes.
For example, I was getting clusters as a Miner in Mor Dhona and I port to my idle map after for gathering, but it won't change classes to Botanist and stays a Miner.
Then what it proceeds to do (another thing I noticed) was that since it is a miner, it goes and runs to the nearest mining node and starts mining shards.
This is not too huge of a problem since it's at least making use of idle time, but I just noticed it and wondered if that's how it's supposed to work.
Sometimes, it doesn't do this though. It will just stay a Miner and stand there doing nothing. It feels random and I never know what it will do when it's in the Idle zone.

And that transitions to my final question--when you set a map to idle gather at, do you have any choice about which nodes you get to gather at?
Or will it just choose the nearest available nodes?

I'm having a similar problem. I only have miner at 50, so I had it set to mine, then idle in South Shroud, where the idle marker is set to BTN to gain experience. I chose what nodes to gather in the downtime by just editing the normal marker in the zone for BTN to use the 35 node with flax priority. This worked like a charm, until tonight, and I'm not sure what changed. Before, it would port to the idle spot, change to BTN, and gather til the next unspoiled node, and teleport/switch back to miner, then repeat. But now it will not change to BTN when it teleports to the idle marker, instead it stays on miner and will run across the map to gather black alumen, which is what I currently have my normal marker set to in that zone for miner.

I've made no changes to anything, all I did was log out and close the bot for a few hours to do a coil run on my main, and upon logging back in, it no longer works the same way. I've tried reloading modules, reloading the game, redid the idle marker, and changed the order of the gearsets (and updating them in the bot) and nothing has worked. If i change the gear manually, it will begin to gather flax like it should, but once the next node spawns, it'll teleport and just sit there until I change it back to miner.
(03-15-2015, 03:05 AM)Siege7575 Wrote:  I've attempted to problem solve the issue i'm having for a while now, and cant seem to get it right.

I have my unspiled node farming setup to where ul'dah is my idle spot, after which i have a about a dozen unspoiled node spots in my list. The bot will idle in Ul'dah correctly, then teleport to the 1am Botany Clusters at 12am. it will successfully go to East. Thanaln to farm antumbral on miner, then go to north shroud to farm Scarlet Sap. Once it reaches the marker, the bot just sits there forever. Sometimes it will teleport to mor d'hona and just sit @ the aetherite.

I've checked my settings for the marker and the unspoiled list and everything seems fine. Anyone know what the common problem is for incorrect idle @ unspoiled markers?

If it's idling at a marker, it means the marker is too far from the node, and it couldn't pick it up. The bot's scan range is only about as large as the area visible on your minimap, maybe a bit smaller than that.

There is a potential issue I can see with changing classes properly at the idle location, I'll try to get it corrected tomorrow.
(03-15-2015, 06:06 AM)Ace Wrote:  If it's idling at a marker, it means the marker is too far from the node, and it couldn't pick it up. The bot's scan range is only about as large as the area visible on your minimap, maybe a bit smaller than that.

There is a potential issue I can see with changing classes properly at the idle location, I'll try to get it corrected tomorrow.

The scarlet sap nodes are all actually extremely close to the marker since its a very small area where the nodes can pop up, so i know its definitely not that. I keep checking to see if maybe i missed 1 small detail and cant seem to come up with anything.

I'm currently trying to setup so that the bot can gather unspoiled nodes from one map location to another. However, whenever I move from one map to another, the "marker name" of the locations on the previous map seems to all be restricted to the markers of the current map, making it seem to not be able to move between maps properly.

I was wondering whether there's some setting I'm suppose to set that I'm missing.

(08-25-2014, 02:09 AM)Ace Wrote:  Once you have your markers, you can build your location. Most of the fields are self-explanatory.
Locations must be managed while your character is on the map you will be using for the location.
There are many reasons for this, and they cannot be avoided, so just do it.

-Location Name - some friendly name you'll recognize
-Hour - the hour that the node actually spawns (0-23), where 0 is 12AM, 23 is 11 PM, etc.
-Class - which class is required for the node type at this location
-Refresh Map - use this button to refresh the list of available markers on this map.
-Marker Name - the marker which indicates the waiting area for this node.
-Is Idle - You should have at least one "Idle" location where the bot can go in between locations. I personally used Limsa. You should never have more than one idle location, as this is not supported and may cause issues.

I suggest you read this part of the OP.

Also, it only works for unspoiled node gathering, not regular node gathering moving in between maps.

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