03-18-2015, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2015, 03:43 PM by sistwocc.)
hello i what to know how to set up the Garther Unspoiled nodes i have read the how-to but im still confused
to start i hit "Gather Unspoiled" and "Use cordials" next is "start Location" but list is empty ic got "Miner Gearset" set to "1" and "botanist Gearset" at "7"
but when i hit start but just sits there does nothink
and what is New Location for
and how to set start location
and am i missing somthink?
oh and does the bot know ware the items are so if i set maker pri 1 to gold ore will it just go to Slot 6 on unspoiled Node list even tho you see nothink but 6 or 7 green bars??
Start location will have entries in the drop-down once you start adding locations. It's how you tell the bot "where to start" basically. I.E. if I'm starting my gathering cycle, and the next one (based on Eorzea time) would be Gold Ore, I'd select my Gold Ore location (that I've previously created).
03-18-2015, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 03:59 PM by sistwocc.)
ok i have set up the bot
my locations are
Start[0] - Ul'Dah Steps
Dark Steel Ore[1] - Coerthas Central Highlands
Gold Ore [9] - Eastern Thanalan
i have also set up profile called "Unspiled"
in that i have
Truth of Mountains
toil of mountaineer
sharp Vision 3
so this is what happens right
the bot will sand there at Start till it telaports to lets say Darkstell Ore and then waits... when the point spowns it wil go to it but then nothink what am i doing worng?
03-19-2015, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 04:06 PM by sistwocc.)
need more help plz see pic
this happens evey time it goes back to start point which happens to be my shard minning lacation
thing is evey time i stop and then start agen it starts minning but as soon as it goes to unspolied node(difrent map) and goes back to start i get that error
03-19-2015, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 05:22 PM by sistwocc.)
ok i have another questing
I have three locations set up they are as folowing -
Start - i what it to go to Nomel minning maker and minning till others spown
DarkSteel - bot mining that fine
Gold Ore - bot minning that fine