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Bot wiggles like crazy while travelling?
Not sure if this is even an issue but i thought it was worth asking in case it was some kind of bug or such.

When doing just about anything, traveling between quest objectives, running to fates, running between gather nodes the bot will wiggle really strongly left/right about 45 degrees, around 4 times per second, for the entire journey until it reaches the fate, quest or combat in which case it will walk in straight lines until it goes to travel again, it makes the camera shake so much it's hard to even see where the bot is going, it is very noticeable that it is doing it for anyone watching.

Any advice? or 'Working as intended'?

note: i tried removing and completely re-installing the bot, i have all the associated software (.net/etc) installed. and I've hunting through every setting/check box i could toggle in the interface looking for a solution.
It also happens on different characters, and as far as i can tell every zone i've been to.
not sure if its been mentioned himm.

anyone watching you from a different account would have no clue that your camera is doing that.
(03-19-2015, 03:47 PM)Cichard Wrote:  not sure if its been mentioned himm.

anyone watching you from a different account would have no clue that your camera is doing that.

Oh, it's not the camera as such that's doing it, the camera merely goes crazy because it's bound to the avatar, if you hold first click to take over the camera the character is visibly vibrating left and right while moving and can be seen doing so on my other account. really it kinda looks like the person you're watching has extremely bad lag or they are out of sync or something, it could really just be an issue with my setup somehow, i thought it was best to give you the heads up in case other people had similar issues and were in silence about it.

Given how ridiculous it looks I suspect if it was a more wide-spread issue more people would have brought it up by now though.

I have it windowed mode and i start the client using the launcher, which is at C:\FFXIVMinion\ my computer is high end enough to max vsync fps and i have no connection issues when actually playing the game. which makes me wonder if it's either a recent isolated bug, a problem with how i've set it up, or i'm interpreting normal bot behaviour as error.
Im not sure im not experiencing it while traveling just when target a mob thats moving.
This sounds just like what I was experiencing, but mine only starts to shake when the task changes to "Grind Combat," traveling and everything else is completely fine. It's not just the camera because you can hold left click and visibly see the character model flicking to the side. Even if it has nothing targeted as soon as the task switches it starts to wiggle. If the target is directly in front of it and stationary it will wiggle as it walks the few steps in range.

I made a trial account to try and see how it looks from an observer, but havent had a ton of time to test it. From what I saw it appears the botting character is running forward yet the model is slightly rotated.
It's something recent, since mine just started doing that too this week. Seems like it is trying to target something out of range (next target?) because you see the Icons light on and off as if targeting something every time it shakes.
apparently a known issue
We know exactly why it's happening. Please don't fuck around your pulse time or direct others to do it, that can have much worse consequences than the current problem, which isn't even a problem, it just bothers you.
If it's just client-side, that's good to know.
Actually mine is doing this too, and I've got no clue what the pulse time is or how to mess with it as Ace had mentioned.

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