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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
(03-16-2015, 02:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  
(08-25-2014, 02:09 AM)Ace Wrote:  Once you have your markers, you can build your location. Most of the fields are self-explanatory.
Locations must be managed while your character is on the map you will be using for the location.
There are many reasons for this, and they cannot be avoided, so just do it.

-Location Name - some friendly name you'll recognize
-Hour - the hour that the node actually spawns (0-23), where 0 is 12AM, 23 is 11 PM, etc.
-Class - which class is required for the node type at this location
-Refresh Map - use this button to refresh the list of available markers on this map.
-Marker Name - the marker which indicates the waiting area for this node.
-Is Idle - You should have at least one "Idle" location where the bot can go in between locations. I personally used Limsa. You should never have more than one idle location, as this is not supported and may cause issues.

I suggest you read this part of the OP.

Also, it only works for unspoiled node gathering, not regular node gathering moving in between maps.

Thanks Ace.

I guess my problem is that I clicked on one of my locations on the other map just to verify it and it probably reset my markers. I'll give that a try.
It doesn't really harm it unless you save it, but the markers won't show up properly in the edit window because they don't exist on your current map.
Nvrmd just started working
(03-16-2015, 02:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  [quote='Ace' pid='73908' dateline='1408932596']
Once you have your markers, you can build your location. Most of the fields are self-explanatory.
Locations must be managed while your character is on the map you will be using for the location.
There are many reasons for this, and they cannot be avoided, so just do it.

-Location Name - some friendly name you'll recognize
-Hour - the hour that the node actually spawns (0-23), where 0 is 12AM, 23 is 11 PM, etc.
-Class - which class is required for the node type at this location
-Refresh Map - use this button to refresh the list of available markers on this map.
-Marker Name - the marker which indicates the waiting area for this node.
-Is Idle - You should have at least one "Idle" location where the bot can go in between locations. I personally used Limsa. You should never have more than one idle location, as this is not supported and may cause issues.

Ok so I've read the last 2 pages about trying to set up my idle location and still having alittle problems not sure y... I edited my locations so would only gather darksteel, crawler cocoon and clusters. and is working great but it keeps just standing at the node after it completes and waits for the next node to spawn. I waited in Coerth and 10 mins before darksteel spawned I found a spot I wanted to be idle and selected idle then started the bot. works great but does not return to the location in Coerth. should I create a unspoiled marker in the location I qould like to be idle at or not sure if I missed a step.... If I did is it possible to reset all my unspoiled settings and start over with out deleting all my markers I've already greated for gathering other things...
Thank you for any help...
1) Idle Location should be either a city map with no markers, or another area where you would want it to go to for some down-time farming.
2) Location doesn't mean "this exact spot where I'm standing". Location in the sense of idling means, "this map". Since you're creating a location on a map you are already on, it sees that it's already on the map, and just leaves you on it.
(03-23-2015, 01:44 PM)Ace Wrote:  1) Idle Location should be either a city map with no markers, or another area where you would want it to go to for some down-time farming.
2) Location doesn't mean "this exact spot where I'm standing". Location in the sense of idling means, "this map". Since you're creating a location on a map you are already on, it sees that it's already on the map, and just leaves you on it.

Ok I tried this with the dark steel node set idel to coerth but when finsihed mining in mordo stayed standing at cluster...

So I would like to do 1 where it just goes back to farming shards or something so how can I set that up. will I need to make another unspoiled marker for the crystal or a reg marker? So does this mean once it finishes its unspoiled node it will go to my idle location and just farm till next node spawns?

again sorry for the many questions
When I try to add "Start Location" the list is blank

EDIT: Well I think I figured it out. I need to create a location first using the new location feature and then I can choose it. The instructions were vague on this.

So let me see if I understand this. Lets say I create my first location as Mor Dhona. I set it as my start location, input the start time, set class etc. When the node spawns, I run over to it and add a marker and input the item in priority one. Then I port to another location, add it and do the same, I keep repeating this for each location I want to gather at.

Then I go to Limsa and set it as the idle location and then start the bot?

Edit: I must be doing something wrong. I went to Mor Dhona and added it as a location. I ran to the node and added a marker, set the skill profile, start time, correct job, and item priority. I click start bot but nothing happens. Shouldn't I start mining the node since I am right next to it?

UPDATE: Well I got it working, it wont actually try to gather the node until the specified time comes :)

Update: For some reason it will not let me add more than three locations. I have tried reloading the bot several times, cosing the bot and the game and restarting, but still when I click "Add Location" it will not add...
Nevermind, had to add the marker first lol
How do you make your character use stealth while gathering unspoiled?

Also is there a way to make more than one Unspoiled location set? Like say i wanted to have one for gathering ore and stuff, but then another that only does Clusters and I could switch between them.
(03-24-2015, 03:08 PM)Jessix Wrote:  How do you make your character use stealth while gathering unspoiled?

Also is there a way to make more than one Unspoiled location set? Like say i wanted to have one for gathering ore and stuff, but then another that only does Clusters and I could switch between them.

Ok I'm still learning also so just small advice gives u something to look for. I belive its under advanced , then general should be a stealth setting that you just click to select it....
as for creating locations I know 19 pages is alot to check but I belive on one of the previous pages someone attached a file with all or if not almost all the unspoiled nodes already made. as I'm at work cant find the exact post at this moment...

Again just something for you to try until someone smarter then me gives better answer... Have fun
(03-24-2015, 03:08 PM)Jessix Wrote:  How do you make your character use stealth while gathering unspoiled?

Also is there a way to make more than one Unspoiled location set? Like say i wanted to have one for gathering ore and stuff, but then another that only does Clusters and I could switch between them.

stealth is hard coded in to the bot so if a mob will agro your character he will stealth

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