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I have a feeling that we have different versions of universes =) .Not found in any of the profiles examples using "previous combo skill". Of any default of any user. But yet understood. Thank U.
From Russia with love
oh i thot you where asking about next skill prio, and id previous skill combo is pretty straight forward.

First skill in combo <-second skill in combo <- Third skill in combo

second skill would point to first skill and third skill would point to second skill.
Several of the profiles included with the bot use this concept, Ninja being one that uses almost every method possible. Marauder.. BLM_50.. Dragoon.. did you look at any of them? :)
Initially, the problem was that Chichard profiles no longer work properly. Then it was restored, and the day before yesterday there was a problem again. In an attempt to find an explanation I was looking for the old in patches, but did not find anything on githab.

In the end, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to gut settings, but found no mention of the new mechanics. Scanned profiles war bard, paladin, ninja (now I see that appears to have been replaced by a couple of days ago on newer) need to look any further was apparently (ノ ° 益 °) ノ

In any case, like take care of the new version, thank you for your answers.

... ミ ヽ (.> <) ノ
From Russia with love
I actually tried looking at the profiles, it is still not so clear about how the checks work.
For example, how should I set up skills for a paladin to do Fast Balde -> Savage Blade -> Rage of Halone but insert flash in between when there are 2 or more enemies (like FB -> Flash -> SB -> Flash -> RoH)?
My version will be for this:

Fast - flash - Savage - flash - Rage

Savage - use Fast ID combo check
Rage - use Savage ID combo check

Flash - use last skill Fast ID,savage ID checks. and AOE check ofcourse.
From Russia with love
I'll add some special handling for Flash today.
wow thanks a lot Ace, you're the best

@idurus: I tried the combo ID check, flash still restarts the combo. I'll look more tomorrow
yeah. combo works but flash reset and after 1.5h i have no idea how to do this :D

but as i can see, there were some changes in the code on githab, so forward to the results by Ace
From Russia with love
When I'm really into setting up my skill profile I almost understand everything but when I come back to it I forget :D I wish there was a reference/documentation on this. I'll just write down what I know/think they are and let Ace correct me ;)

Previous Combo Skill - (how is this different from "Previous Skill ID"?)
Previous Combo Skill NOT -
Previous Skill ID - will only use current action after the skill ID which you entered here
Previous Skill ID NOT - will use the current action after any skills except for the IDs you entered here
Next Skill ID - bot will make sure that the next skill will be the ID which you entered here
Next Skill Prio - (same as above, but you enter the skill # from your profile instead of the skill ID)(how is this different from "Next Skill ID"?)
Current Action NOT - (what is this and would love an example or two where it's usable)

But please, don't rely on this too much, it's more of a request for Ace to correct and fill in the blanks and explain stuff Handshake

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