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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
has anyone figured out how many nodes per Hour you can put and still successfuly hit them all?
Seems that there is a bug for gathering at unspoiled nodes in the latest revision of code.

The bot stops gathering at line 1720 of ffxiv_skillmgr.lua when I use my gathering skill profile. Line 1720 now writes:

if (IsUnspoiledNode(note.contentid) and not itemsUncovered) then

I think it should be:

if (IsUnspoiled(node.contentid) and not itemsUncovered) then

I have changed it in my local copy and seems that it works fine now.

For your reference.
I got a bug. Gathering from unspoiled nodes works fine until the bot reaches the last location on my list. He just idles around at the idle location infinitely afterwards and does not start gathering again when the next eorzean day starts.
(04-18-2015, 03:05 AM)chibilaharl Wrote:  has anyone figured out how many nodes per Hour you can put and still successfuly hit them all?

Depends on if you are using skills or cordials. With using max gp and no cordials you can do one node every other game hour. If you're using no skills at all you can probably do 1-2 node(s) per game hour, depends on distance from aetheryte. You can do a few skills plus cordials and hit 1 node per game hour.
I have a problem where randomly when I restart the bot, my locations will all be gone and my settings will be changed? What is a solution to fixing this, because if I wait long enough to settings and locations will reappear at some point when I re-start the bot... or I have to re-do the settings and ocations all over again.
First off – loving this bot! The problem = I’m a huge newb with this kind of thing. So far I’ve just been doing FATE grinding and basic gathering which has worked flawlessly. I’m trying this unspoiled gathering now and for several days of looking through this and other threads ... I’m stuck.

I got the bot moving at least with the files from Saik’s thread, but really it still wasn’t working as intended:

I’m missing something simple I’m sure. So my questions:

1. Are the files from the Saik’s link still viable? I imported them 2 days ago, but now they are no longer on the bot and I can’t re-import them.
1B. Are they needed? Ie. Has that info already been incorporated into the initial download of the bot – kind of like zone meshes are now versus a year or two ago?
2. Start Location – no options available. Typical causes are what?

The answers are probably already out there, so links for answers are fine. Really anything that bumps me in the right direction at this point. Thanks
Hello guys !

I'm sorry if this question have already been asked somewhere else but ...

I can't find how to tell the bot to gather one specific item slot on unspoiled node instead of one specific name.

I whish to gather some Cluster. But as far I understand, i only manage to use the skills who reveal all the items then the bot gather it by the item priority I put in number 1.

That only allow me to gather 6 cluster per node. But if i was able to select the number slot, I'll be able to gather 15 cluster per node.

I've seen people telling that the bot can do it, but others who tells that it cant. But i dont find out a True answer. I've looking for 2hours in the forum now and more in the game.

I really cant find out how it works.

So ... If some one can introduce me to the post where there is some explanation or at least help me right here. It'll be very nice of you guys.

Thx for your help
The viedos in the following link were quite simplistic, but still very helpful to just see how the process is accomplished.

I feel like unspoiled nodes could use a video like this. Just a suggestion. A picture is worth a thousand words kind of thing.

Regarding my previous post - I suppose my question comes down to the need to create your own markers still, or whether there is a working lua file.
Well. I have no problem with markers or locations. Only this cluster things.

I've read on the first few pages that if I only put the name of the cluster it'll reach it even if its hidding. I've also read that if i want to gather more than one you must use the 300Gp skill to uncover all.

This thing is working but not the first one it only pick the slot number 1 if i dont discover them all.

So may be i have a bug ?
So I've made my markers (Only have 2 currently), I made my list (it has 6 different hours to check the 2 markers I made, with 1 idle marker in the middle of it all.)

All of this is on 1 map and my bot still doesn't want to do what I tell her to do.

I think it might have something with the game time but I'm not too sure. I saw the nodes pop 2 times with her standing right in front of them and she did nothing for the full duration of the node's existence.

I checked the mesh and it seems fine, there's red lines around rocks and where the node is it's blue and open.

I don't know what else to do. There has to be something I did wrong and I'm not seeing because when I get her closer to the node she goes for it on the botany nodes. I have to manually move her near it though and the marker itself is more than close enough, I see 2 nodes from 1 marker and I see 2 nodes from the 2nd marker. I used to have 4 markers or more but I found a sweet spot and just stuck to it.

Btw my comp clock is correct and matches the clock ingame, I dunno if that matters.

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