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Minion Settings not being saved
Some of the settings will switch back to ON every time (which is annoying, used to be able to save setting changes before)

Use Cordial .. it keeps coming back on every time I ran the bot... its wasting my cordial.
Avoid AOE ... always on and would go back to on after a few hours of boting.. its unnecessary specially when im just grinding low leve mobs for mats.
All settings are Saved PER MODE. So if its off in grind mode but you switch to gather mode, it will be back on. you must disable it PER mode.
it wont save in grind mode that for sure.. I turned off avoid aoe before I posted this thread.. and now its back again and I have not touched the bot I left it grinding mobs since the post.

(05-03-2015, 10:50 PM)Cichard Wrote:  All settings are Saved PER MODE. So if its off in grind mode but you switch to gather mode, it will be back on. you must disable it PER mode.

and use of cordial I believe is only on gather mode... and I keep turning that off too.
right if its on in one mode and you switch modes, then turn it off. when you switch back modes it will be on again.

has the bot crashed and reloaded? on the grind mode? Because i just tested fate grinding with it off and after several hours its still off.
no it hasn't crashed
Run the minion launcher as admin because you propably doesn't have privileges to save the files.

EDIT: But it force's to run as admin so hmmm... IDK.

EDIT2: Check if your folder/folders you are containing the minion have any non-english characters. If yes, change it.
(05-03-2015, 10:50 PM)Cichard Wrote:  All settings are Saved PER MODE. So if its off in grind mode but you switch to gather mode, it will be back on. you must disable it PER mode.

It's does not save anything permanent.

It's only temporarily possible to deactivate while having an active session in a particular mode. But even THAT fails when using it in combination with task manager. When it get to next task sequence it reactivates the avoid aoe, even though you have deactivated it and are using the same mode.

The avoid aoe function gets activated, regardless of what settings you have choose previously:

  1. Start the bot
  2. When you change mode
  3. When you use Taskmanager and it proceed with next task (same mode)

Annoying feature (i call it bug) that keeps getting itself activated and really impact the game play. Any other tick box can be saved permanent, but for some reason, not this feature.
There's no reason to not use the Avoid AOE feature in some modes, and failure to kick it on manually would result in loves of people death looping on certain FATEs. Like it or not, you guys have to be protected from yourselves occasionally. You could modify the behavior by modifying a single line of code in ffxiv.lua if it's really THAT much of a bother to you to automatically use artificial intelligence to avoid having your face exploded.

I've said this before, but I'll repeat it here again:
None of the settings are saved per mode, some settings are automatically kicked on or off depending on if they would interfere with the mode currently in use, and it happens as soon as you change the mode.
(05-05-2015, 04:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  There's no reason to not use the Avoid AOE feature in some modes

The "Avoid AoE" function is a great feature when needed, but far from all times in reality.

Having avoid AOE active in fate or grind allows one to run a great risk of incurring far more enemies than you want or can handle just because it runs around trying to avoid the AOE. It happens all too often and therefore it is an annoying feature that should not be forced active on a player. There are several posts with the same comments on the forum, asking for a way to permanent deactivate the feature.

(05-03-2015, 10:38 PM)nesha Wrote:  Some of the settings will switch back to ON every time (which is annoying, used to be able to save setting changes before)

I like the "avoid aoe" feature very much when it's needed, but a player should be able to opt out without having to redo his choice every single day. Maybe I'm one of the few, but this is my opinion about it.

Change the code in the lua file is not a good idea, because lua file is overwritten with auto updates of the bot.
(05-06-2015, 07:58 AM)bizzmo Wrote:  There are several posts with the same comments on the forum, asking for a way to permanent deactivate the feature.

Searching through post histories, I don't find this to be true at all. Every post I find is about making it dodge MORE.

I've said about all I will say on the subject for now. You're options at this point are to live with it, modify the lua, or create a module that overrides the code in such a manner as you see fit.

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