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Bot is kinda frustrating
(08-20-2014, 08:33 PM)Latty79 Wrote:  
(08-20-2014, 08:29 PM)vilcheat Wrote:  Even botting PVP (Wolve's den) is kinda not working so well :/ I've been queueing for an hour and no find lol

How is that the bots fault?

Heh, I guess you're talking to me since you quoted me. Because I didn't say anything about it being the bot's fault :)
I didn't say bot doesn't work, I said botting pvp is not working so well because the queue is taking long. So it's not the best choice for me either.
(08-20-2014, 03:41 AM)vilcheat Wrote:  I mean, all I can bot/farm are all crafting items.. I need something that I can AFK while my character makes progress (gear wise).

There is the hunter addon, but mostly it only gives you a warn, so you actually have to be around the computer.

There is something for the Animus book; you input monsters' names and maybe after a couple minute, you'll have to move onto another target and input new name. This also requires you to be around the computer to make progress.

There is the dungeon farming, but you'll have to have four FFXIV accounts and four Minion keys which half of us can't afford.

The only thing was useful for me was the Atma Hunting; which is already done because I got everything I need.
So please, somebody tell me I'm wrong and point me where I can bot and AFK for a day or two without having to check the bot and/or edit the settings.

I'm not trying to complain.. I'm just getting busy to make a lot of research myself and I don't want my subscription for both game and bot to go to waste.

i hear ya son. i hear ya. I was hoping that w/ the addition of frontlines and them associating it w/ tomes that I could use that, but that is a fail as well.

For some reason the game doesnt get much attention from bot developers. Dont get it considering its one of the best rpgs out right now and is one of the highest rated ever. Not even getting into population.

As for these guys, I couldnt say. People have asked for these features for a long time but i think theyre focusing on questing. Would be nice to have and certainly a monumental undertaking but.. considering the game makes alts all but pointless, and i have everything capped - theirs about 100 features i would rather see.

Your not alone is all im trying to say brother. Unfrotunately until you can code your own bot, your at the mercy of others.

To be fair, its still early. The game has only been around a year and once the bots mature they tend to get nice features such as the aforementioned. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Personaly im losing interest in the game and i dont want to, but it is what it is. Ive had T9 done for what feels like months and they add content but its all solo/simple stuff or stuff ala tedium that would be very conducive to botting. Unfrotunately its the very stuff that bots dont handle at the moment. Perhaps thats part of SE's design choices /shrug.

good luck!

(08-20-2014, 03:41 AM)vilcheat Wrote:  I mean, all I can bot/farm are all crafting items.. I need something that I can AFK while my character makes progress (gear wise).

There is the hunter addon, but mostly it only gives you a warn, so you actually have to be around the computer.

There is something for the Animus book; you input monsters' names and maybe after a couple minute, you'll have to move onto another target and input new name. This also requires you to be around the computer to make progress.

There is the dungeon farming, but you'll have to have four FFXIV accounts and four Minion keys which half of us can't afford.

The only thing was useful for me was the Atma Hunting; which is already done because I got everything I need.
So please, somebody tell me I'm wrong and point me where I can bot and AFK for a day or two without having to check the bot and/or edit the settings.

I'm not trying to complain.. I'm just getting busy to make a lot of research myself and I don't want my subscription for both game and bot to go to waste.

afking for a day or two is asking for an auto ban however. Thats one of the first variables they add when implementing an auto detect feature. I just lost my wildstar account due to that very reason. Careless botting draws very negative attention to the community which causes issues i shouldnt need to explain.

Just saying

(pet peeve of mine)

(08-21-2014, 03:52 AM)vilcheat Wrote:  
(08-20-2014, 08:33 PM)Latty79 Wrote:  
(08-20-2014, 08:29 PM)vilcheat Wrote:  Even botting PVP (Wolve's den) is kinda not working so well :/ I've been queueing for an hour and no find lol

How is that the bots fault?

Heh, I guess you're talking to me since you quoted me. Because I didn't say anything about it being the bot's fault :)
I didn't say bot doesn't work, I said botting pvp is not working so well because the queue is taking long. So it's not the best choice for me either.

it isnt the bots fault persay, but wolves den queue's are a few hours long now because people are doing frontlines. People are doing frontlines because it offers better rewards/tomes. Therefore by the bot NOT doing frontlines.... well yea :P

(08-20-2014, 02:32 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  you are not wrong....there isnt much you can do solo with the bot

You can join a MinionFFxiv FC and do raids

I mean yeah nothing to do solo...

just cause you use it with multiple accounts and are a mod, you dont need to be a fanboy. All those things are things he named..... most people are done with crafting and gathering at this point. Atma as well (which he named) . Hunts must have just been added, if you can do this im STOKED and you wont see me again on the forums for quite awhile :P

The minion FC thing isnt "solo" but may be an option for some. This isnt a feature of the bot however :P

PVP it "used" to be able to do. However with about 20 matches a day its not really worth it anymore. If it could do fates WHILE queued for PVP then it may be worth it.
Not to mention for me specifically - the Motive for fates is to level my chocobo which you cant do while queued for pvp anyhow. Why? Couldnt really say.

(08-20-2014, 03:19 PM)Drastik Wrote:  I'm the leader of a clan with 100+ members, none of which know that I bot / some have even spoken negatively towards botters/hackers.
Kinda dedicated being a secret botter at this point :P

I left my FC for a simlar reason. Was number 2 WW but leadership was botting, yet chastized and threatened to report "members" botting. A joke really. But what recourse do you really have via the internet.
I am not going to quote the above post since is a giant wall of text.

Here is a reply though. It is NOT all about you. You have everything capped, there are people who might be new to the game and would love to have the feature. It is also beneficial in the long run if the bot can do the questing smoothly. How do you even know the number of the FF14 minion botters actually do frontline ? How would you even know the number of people who actually want that feature more than questing ?

Regarding to addons, yes, you are at others mercy if you don't feel like learning how to code. It is the same with all other games legit addons. There are plenty of good WoW addons that were abandoned when the coder leaves the game. They either have to be picked up by others or stay dead. Either learn how to code or wait, simple as that.
all about me? have you been dropped? What leads you to believe that had anything to do w/ my post? o.O

+1 reading comprehension.

Anyways, my post stands in its entirety. Thank you for your thoughtful reply however.

Might reply if you read the thread from the beginning. It was all in direct reply to the points he made, not me. But he's right, and apart from reiterating some things, jackie indirectly agreed as well. (not that his opinion is any more valid) I do smell some fecal matter around here though.

to the OP
Let's see. You claim that it doesn't get enough attention from the minon dev. Are we using the same bot ? there are plenty of stuff being added all the time. Just because you don't use them doesn't mean they don't pay it much attention.

So yes, the way you are voice your opinion gives an impression of it's all about you. The bot doesn't do what YOU wanted, therefore, devs don't care much. Do you even know how much time it takes to code ? I am guessing you don't.

It is the internet, I can claim the same thing. MORE minion users would love to see questing done before frontline pvp or other stuff. Guess what, no one can prove you are right or I am right. THAT is my point. Just because you are done with some stuff, it doesn't mean others won't have use of it. How many threads of people asking how to use crafting and gathering we see all the time ?

I think you are the one who has problem in reading. AS USUAL.
random new things being added all the time is more of a joke then truth, it might be added to beta but we shouldnt have to use a beta product for the premium price we pay and have to deal with all the errors. I believe questing was brought up over 6 months ago and has been in the works since I just believe that for premium price there should of been a quicker release build then whats been happening. I know the devs are busy with lifeand all that shit but charge less if you cant push in a fair amount of time. That being said, the bot DOES WHAT I NEED IT TO DO. I JUST REALLY HATE THE DEVS NOT MODS FOR HOW SLOW THEY ARE COMPARED TO THE PRICE THEY CHARGE SO DONT GO FANBOY ON ME JACKIE!!!! Also, klep you are a incredibly annoying and frustrating person. Maybe if you made friends and STOPPED BEING A COMPLETE IDIOT, you might get more help. I thought you were going to quit if you couldnt raid? Please quit. thanks.
I'm not gonna quote these walls of text by everyone this is dumb. First Kelph USE THE BETA BOT and see all the new features. Also just because someone may be done LEVELing their Gathering doesnt mean you still cant gather mats to sell to gain gil solo. Just cause he is done atma farming doesnt make the feature not exisist. Yes you can bot hunt mobs.....with hunt mode and hunt markers.... Being able to TP around in dungeons with other people most certaintly is a feature of the bot it is called Dev-TP. Just be cause you over look under value modes in the bot and refuse to use the beta bot and see all the new features that are geting worked on. and look at all the background stuff being done to simplfy the UI of the bot make menus easier to find( if i do recall this is something you hinted at a while ago making the UI more user friendly) but i guess they dont pay attention to ffxiv. you got ACE 24/7 on FFXIV bot, you have f3re 24/7 on ffxiv bot, then powder helps out with some stuff he is kinda a floater. Thats alot of attention.

(08-21-2014, 01:36 PM)odano1988 Wrote:  random new things being added all the time is more of a joke then truth, it might be added to beta but we shouldnt have to use a beta product for the premium price we pay and have to deal with all the errors. I believe questing was brought up over 6 months ago and has been in the works since I just believe that for premium price there should of been a quicker release build then whats been happening. I know the devs are busy with lifeand all that shit but charge less if you cant push in a fair amount of time. That being said, the bot DOES WHAT I NEED IT TO DO. I JUST REALLY HATE THE DEVS NOT MODS FOR HOW SLOW THEY ARE COMPARED TO THE PRICE THEY CHARGE SO DONT GO FANBOY ON ME JACKIE!!!! Also, klep you are a incredibly annoying and frustrating person. Maybe if you made friends and STOPPED BEING A COMPLETE IDIOT, you might get more help. I thought you were going to quit if you couldnt raid? Please quit. thanks.

Right now questing works for 99% of the quests a few things are still getting tweaked. Some oddball quests are causing to have to write all new tasks for those types of quests. The reason you pay for a premium product is so you get constant support and features added, and is the whole point behind having a beta client of the bot. You have the stable live version that gets your daily stuff done, then you get free access to a beta version of the bot so that you can test out new content. The more people that use the beta client and report bugs the faster beta gets pushed to live. Think of it as a PTS on a game, you have access to the PTS in game while having a subscription to the game, to try out new features and content before released. Sometimes features or content stay in the PTS for months as Bugs get reproted and fixed and features or stats retweaked.
With Github and w3school i have been doing duties and questing since this February.

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