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Bot is kinda frustrating
I mean, all I can bot/farm are all crafting items.. I need something that I can AFK while my character makes progress (gear wise).

There is the hunter addon, but mostly it only gives you a warn, so you actually have to be around the computer.

There is something for the Animus book; you input monsters' names and maybe after a couple minute, you'll have to move onto another target and input new name. This also requires you to be around the computer to make progress.

There is the dungeon farming, but you'll have to have four FFXIV accounts and four Minion keys which half of us can't afford.

The only thing was useful for me was the Atma Hunting; which is already done because I got everything I need.
So please, somebody tell me I'm wrong and point me where I can bot and AFK for a day or two without having to check the bot and/or edit the settings.

I'm not trying to complain.. I'm just getting busy to make a lot of research myself and I don't want my subscription for both game and bot to go to waste.
1. I think Beta Hunt actually would attack the mob according to your settings.
2. Animus book can't be automated since you need to do 4 different type of things. I don't know if bot can even pick up the leve quests or even do other leves until the one required is available and do it. Then, there is 4 dungeons you have to do which you need 4 bots or 3 other botters.
3. Dungeon farming you can find some other players that use minion on your server. That's how most of the people do.
you are not wrong....there isnt much you can do solo with the bot

You can join a MinionFFxiv FC and do raids

I mean yeah nothing to do solo...
I noticed during dungeons if you set the bot to assist mode the bot can heal party members or attack monsters, but it doesn't follow anyone... You need to do that manually. If there was a function specifically made to have your character follow a certain class or player, the bot might be able to do a dodgey dungeon run without having to be there and it would work off your party members which means you wouldn't need 4 accounts, which could earn you myth/soldiery. In fact for anyone that makes a follow addon ill pay like $10 or something, having the bot be able to follow someone and assist them would be perfect for those of us with 1 account.. Also if you use FFXIV's follow function you don't need to bother building meshes.

I've just been setting my bot to assist heal/damage during expect roulette and follow the tank manually.. That's as lazy as you can get with 1 account.
why not just join a botting FC and use duty mode? Duty mode isnt always gonna me ment for teleporting eventually it will be able to run dungeons as long as a mesh is loaded for that dungeon.
I'm the leader of a clan with 100+ members, none of which know that I bot / some have even spoken negatively towards botters/hackers.
Kinda dedicated being a secret botter at this point :P
I start bot grind for atma tracker and it keep crashing game after character walk for 20-40 sec ...
the game close only
This is kinda hijacking the thread first of all. You should have posted in support.
1.Are you using live? beta ?
2. Does the bot crash if you remove the tracker?
3. Does it crash if you just attach it and no enable it ?
4. Is your key expired ?
Even botting PVP (Wolve's den) is kinda not working so well :/ I've been queueing for an hour and no find lol
(08-20-2014, 08:29 PM)vilcheat Wrote:  Even botting PVP (Wolve's den) is kinda not working so well :/ I've been queueing for an hour and no find lol

How is that the bots fault?

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