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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
(10-24-2013, 12:34 PM)ymko Wrote:  
(10-24-2013, 12:06 PM)R3P0 Wrote:  
(10-24-2013, 11:24 AM)ymko Wrote:  If you know coding this is how it chooses a skill type:
if(not CraftingTool.FirstUse and stepsToFinish ~= 1) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability == 10 and playerCP > 91 and useDurability == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["2"] --Durability
elseif(durability == stepsToFinish * 10) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability > 10 and (description == "Excellent" or description == "Good") and useQuality == "1" and playerCP > 17) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
elseif(NeedToRecastBuffs() and useBuff == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["3"] --Buffs
    if(durability > 10 and useQuality == "1" and qualitymax - quality ~= 0 and playerCP > 17) then
        return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
        return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft

Ymko I wonder if there's a way to figure out that the next step will be the "Excellent" option if so the step before it pop great Strides and then on excellent pop Advanced Touch or something. I know in 1.0 there was a bot that could read that stuff obviously no longer active but if it could be done before provided SE didn't change to much of the code it should work now.
It's random ;(

Is there anyway to check on your end or would the bot itself have to check it as it was in the memory before. I am unsure which location but it was there. I know its possible that the devs have changed the code, fact is they would be stupid to not but I have to check as the advantage would be so astronomical its ridiculous. I apologize if i am hammering a dead horse here but I have no idea what has been checked or not checked.
I haven't checked it, feel free to check it tho :)

P.S i wouldn't have access to it anyway, admins would have to do that
First try with this module (CRP)
Trying to make Ash Lumber, at first everything is fine doing quality from 40/40 to 10/40 fine (even though it is using Standard Touch instead of Basic, when normal), then using Master's mend to boost to 40/40 again, then again quality to 30/40.
Now it get stuck.
Have 30 CP left and it keep spamming Not enough CP for me, I guess it is trying to do Standard Touch (32 CP) instead of Basic Touch (18CP) but not sure, but manually hitting the Basic Touch here, it ends it fine, with 12 CP left...

Also trying to do Inner Quiet/Rumination didnt work for me either, but will check that later when it stop for that....

Thanks for this module, +Rep for you
Rumination doesn't work i think. It requires special coding at the moment :P

I will have a look now and maybe fix it
think i am late to the game haha...wanted to ask is this module supports Tricks of treat? and also use HQ materials?
(10-25-2013, 05:29 AM)bot123 Wrote:  think i am late to the game haha...wanted to ask is this module supports Tricks of treat? and also use HQ materials?
No yet, and there is a thing at the top of the first post regarding HQ mats.
Tried to use this with alchemy for the first time, Brings up crafting menu, Does nothing else, unless I turn on basic touch and masters hand It simply does basic touch once and sits endlessly again. any idea what i'm doing wrong?
Are you high enough level to use the skills you have selected?
(10-26-2013, 10:21 AM)ymko Wrote:  Are you high enough level to use the skills you have selected?

Yes, All I selected was Basic Touch and Masters Mend
So you didn't select Basic Synthesis? How do you wanna do progress if you haven't selected skills for it?

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