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Tutorial - Fishing
what are all these issues people are having with fishing...... i been testing it out across 16 accounts the last day and half. everything is working great.
Ok was having some of these issues did a little testing of theory and figured out the problem most of you guys are having. MAKE sure you click on the box that says activated on the gathering manager or bot will not move to the different points you have setup and it will not run to them this is a very important part. Hope this helps you guys out
okay so far this bot is fantastic tho i have one issue and forgive me if im being dumb. whilst fishing the bot doesnt seem to change bait being used. is there a setting im not seeing. Ive looked at the gather settings and it does say the correct bait but the bot doesnt seem to want to use it
so far fishing never worked without problems for me, despite it seems to work for others. The list what didn't work is spread throughout threads but was never fixed (changing markers, changing bait, wrong rotation on spot etc.).
its all fixed with the use of hte marker manager changes in beta over gathermanager and meshmanager.
yeah i just tried the Beta.

straight update, a frresh install, even update and fresh while loading old launcher

Navs, markers, all the info looks right but my bot just stands there. Moved him over to the fishing spot still nothing

Adjusted all the markers to allow my level ( as i cant just ignore them in the beta) still just stands there, including adding a new marker.

I admit im pretty new to all this so i may be missing the obvious, any help would be grand
the beta markers are atuo ignore marker level if none for your level are present. also are you in bot mode fishing?
yep in bot mode fishing made sure i had all the baits requiered for those areas.

i assume it should just work straight aways with just csetting fishing mode and start

This is the console spam i get when i select Fish and then start the bot

Toon just stands there doing nothing. hope that helps

[Image: cHAxEwp.jpg]
i seem to be having the same issue as the poster above this post, i have everything setup correctly and when set to fishing it just stands there and wont move to marker or fish at all. its giving the same error message in console too.

EDIT: seems i have narrowed the problem down, if i remove the baits from the markers it seems to work flawlessly.
With fishing, I'm having an intermittent issue with my character stopping short of a marker on occasion. It just completely halts the bot. I stop and restart, and nothing happens. Stops in a position where you can't cast, so manually taking a step forward and restarting the bot works.

Am using these meshes:

Is it just a problem with the guy's markers?

Edit: Now it keeps saying "The fish sense something amiss. Perhaps it's time to try another location. Over and over and over. I stopped the bot and even closed it, and it just keeps coming. What am I doing wrong?

Seems like it just doesn't work when the character runs to a marker and isn't facing the water when he reaches it.

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