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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
There are 2 things that bug me:

1) Some crafts that can be finished (progress from 0 to 100%) in 1 synthesis are counted as 2 "Steps to finish". What this means is that the bot does synthesis at 20/XX durability and finishes it leaving 10 durability unused :(

2) I don't know why, but the "Condition" condition in the Crafting Skill Editor doesn't seem to work. I have set synthesis to be used on normal and poor (2 entries in skill list) and touch to use on good and excellent. It seems to still use synthesis on good/excellent.

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v1.5.1 [23/10/2013] (ALL PROFS) - by Koopla - 10-23-2013, 05:38 PM

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