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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
If you know coding this is how it chooses a skill type:
if(not CraftingTool.FirstUse and stepsToFinish ~= 1) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability == 10 and playerCP > 91 and useDurability == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["2"] --Durability
elseif(durability == stepsToFinish * 10) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability > 10 and (description == "Excellent" or description == "Good") and useQuality == "1" and playerCP > 17) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
elseif(NeedToRecastBuffs() and useBuff == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["3"] --Buffs
    if(durability > 10 and useQuality == "1" and qualitymax - quality ~= 0 and playerCP > 17) then
        return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
        return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v1.5.1 [23/10/2013] (ALL PROFS) - by ymko - 10-24-2013, 11:24 AM

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