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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
(10-24-2013, 11:24 AM)ymko Wrote:  If you know coding this is how it chooses a skill type:
if(not CraftingTool.FirstUse and stepsToFinish ~= 1) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability == 10 and playerCP > 91 and useDurability == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["2"] --Durability
elseif(durability == stepsToFinish * 10) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft
elseif(durability > 10 and (description == "Excellent" or description == "Good") and useQuality == "1" and playerCP > 17) then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
elseif(NeedToRecastBuffs() and useBuff == "1") then
    return CraftingTool.actionType["3"] --Buffs
    if(durability > 10 and useQuality == "1" and qualitymax - quality ~= 0 and playerCP > 17) then
        return CraftingTool.actionType["1"] --Quality
        return CraftingTool.actionType["0"] --Craft

Ymko I wonder if there's a way to figure out that the next step will be the "Excellent" option if so the step before it pop great Strides and then on excellent pop Advanced Touch or something. I know in 1.0 there was a bot that could read that stuff obviously no longer active but if it could be done before provided SE didn't change to much of the code it should work now.

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v1.5.1 [23/10/2013] (ALL PROFS) - by R3P0 - 10-24-2013, 12:06 PM

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