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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
(10-27-2013, 12:49 AM)Kaeyt Sith Wrote:  Got a question, maybe you can help?

I just started leveling culinary.

Im creating Olive Oil (Lv 11 Recipe)
Using the following settings/skills.
  • Use Quality: Yes
  • Basic Touch
  • Use Progress: Yes
  • Basic Synthesis
  • Use Buff: Yes
  • Steady Hand
  • Inner Quiet
  • Use Durability: Yes
  • Master's Mend

Ok so this is a 40 durability craft.
The bot is doing the following:

Step 1: Inner Quiet (40 Durability)
Step 2: Steady Hand (40 Durability)
Step 3: Basic Touch (30 Durability)
Step 4: Basic Touch (20 Durability)
Step 5: Basic Syntheseis (10 Durability)
Step 6: Masters Mend (40 Durability)
Step 7: Basic Syntheseis (Finish Craft)

Its basically wasting 30 durability after doing masters mend.

Any idea why? or how to fix it?
Do you have much CP left?
It could be a bug within the code. as it could have calculated the move before finishing the other move... if this happens to you a lot go into the .lua and on line 554:
CraftingTool.WaitTime = 3000
Change 3000 to 3500 or more :P It never happened to me to be honest, i was testing mostly on 40 Durability items :)

Could you use this:
.zip (Size: 5.4 KB / Downloads: 11) and tell me what you see in console between steps 5 and 7

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v1.5.2 [24/10/2013] - by ymko - 10-27-2013, 08:22 AM

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