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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
(10-27-2013, 07:45 PM)ymko Wrote:  If you wanna use Hasty Touch just turn off the other quality skills.
As for ToTT and Manip everything will be customizable from next patch(Thursday or tomorrow evening) on :)

Although if you wanna do tricks of trade, it's pretty simple:

Should do the trick, can't help with Manipulation atm... requires more time than i currently have, just wait for it :P

"If you wanna use Hasty Touch just turn off the other quality skills."
I done this but doesnt work :/

Also its freezing on "Tricks of the Trade", it does the synth fine up until it starts flashing as available, then the bot freezes.


Use Quality: Yes
Basic Touch: No
Advanced Touch: No
Byregot's Blessing: No
Standard Touch: No

Cross Class Skills:
Hasty Touch: Yes
Tricks of the Trade: Yes or No - Bot still gets stuck when its available

EDIT: I see in the LUA file its written "Tricks Of The Trade", but in game its "Tricks of the Trade", not sure what to do with it other than that lol.

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v1.5.2 [24/10/2013] - by Kate - 10-27-2013, 07:55 PM

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