11-05-2013, 08:52 PM
(11-05-2013, 07:33 PM)Kaeyt Sith Wrote: Any chance of it coming with some basic presets for the various classes? I cant get it to work at all with my goldsmith :/
CT_NAME=Master's Mend
CT_NAME=Basic Touch
CT_NAME=Careful Synthesis
Doesn't even load in the skill manager. Press Start - Nothing Happens no matter what profile i use.
Some ID is off.. you need to find them manually, had same problem with my goldsmith.
Masters mend is 100077
Basic Touch is 100076
Careful Synthesis I dont have myself, so can not see it, so so not know if this is off... you can see it in the dev tool under ActionListInfo, Typefilter: Crafting, then find it in list..