11-07-2013, 03:36 PM
(11-07-2013, 02:58 PM)Hairyogre Wrote: Koopla's posts got me thinking: Could you expose a Max Durability condition? The approach to a 40 durability is different from a 70. I don't mind a separate profile for every craft, but if I'd like to avoid more than one (40s, 70s, two-star, etc) and a max durability condition would let me stack skills differently for at least those two very common synth types.Do you mean an option with:
max durability <=
max durability >=
(11-07-2013, 02:57 PM)dannuic Wrote: I guess I don't understand. How is 10 dura being lost to nothing?Well he posted a case somewhere at the top :P
(11-06-2013, 11:50 PM)Koopla Wrote: 20/40 durability, 77cp left
Careful Synthesis, craft 50% done
10/40 durability, 77cp left
GOOD condition -> ToTT
10/40 durability, 97cp left
Master's Mend
40/40 durability, 5cp left
Hasty Touch
Hasty Touch
20/40 durability, 5cp left
Careful Synthesis, craft 100% done
(we wasted 10durability at the end)