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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
i have a bug in v. 2.1.0

from time to time stucks the Bot and spamms in the Console
"Can't cast anything please check that your profile set up correctly"

i have watch the bot and Console the profile is set up correct.
He can make 10 crafts or more and then booom bot stuck on Hasty Touch (cross skill)

I have no clue what the cause is

PS: IQ stack bug is still there
my last craft has stuck and 4xx IQ stacks ^^

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.0 <09/11/2013> - by Shaolin2 - 11-11-2013, 12:58 PM

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