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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
(11-11-2013, 05:26 PM)darkboz Wrote:  Oh yeah

I had another idea for the condition, would it be possible to have checkbox for condition (poor, good, etc...) instead of 2 drop down menu, like it would be awesome to be able to choose 3 condition instead of 2 for some steps.

Also would it be possible to put another drop down menu for the condition so that you could change them like for < or > or = instead of having <= or => ?

Thx :)
1. Possible but is there really a need? If you wanna make sure you don't use quality on poor just put another synth above quality with conditions poor.
2. That would be just too much GUI and will become clunky as hell. Although an interactive GUI can be made

>Add Condition
List of All Conditions(DropDown)
Add Condition Button
>Select Condition
List of All Added Conditions(DropDown)
Select Condition Button
>Change Condition
Condition Name
Condition Type
Sign\Operator (i.e > < = != <= >=)
Save Condition Button

This won't be clunky but will likely require a lot of time to work with and will require most of the profiles to be re done :P

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.0 <09/11/2013> - by ymko - 11-11-2013, 06:01 PM

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