12-24-2013, 11:00 AM
After a full night of testing, I've came up with a few suggestions that might help.
I've noticed that MRD's are overwhelming, stupid powerful (and will probably get nerfed in the next update) in PVP at lvl 50, maybe from its additional cross classes and restat the MRD to all STR, we might look into building a PVP profile for MRD. They would hit my i90 BRD for 1.3-1.5k crits. (if anyone has a MRD PVP profile done please share with us, its amazing in PVP)
Marking Targets: If there was a way to mark targets/targeted, or focus attack on one that is marked in order of precedence it would make for a smarter more PT friendly PVP bot. For example, if my BRD or PLD is priority 1.healer, first to find the healer would mark it "1", and the other bots would move in on that marked enemy, or if a non bot player marks a target, my bots would focus on that marked target.
Priority: If there could be a more specific drop down list; blm > smn whm > sch. a lot of matches I watched the bots run, the other members usually have a priority list of what they want killed first, if available.
Solo PVP: BARD, takes forever to get in as dps, 30 mins minimum wait time. priority 1.healer 2.healer, it makes the bot kill the main healer first, then it hunts down other enemies that cast the next healing spell. good win ratio if you don't get slept.
Party PVP: 2 bots, depending on setup, I went PLD/BRD. set to focus on healer. 1/4 on wins. When the PLD chases the healer all over the map, you know your going to lose.
Party PVP: 3 bots, PLD/BRD/WHM. 0 wins out of 10 tries. The WHM doesn't do well, it acts like a DPS.
I plan to test out 3 bots without the WHM. I'm sure the results would be cleaner.
Party PVP: 4 bots, PLD/BRD/BLM/WHM. 1/10 wins. Of course its the WHM that makes or breaks you. I had BLM on sleeps focus on 1.TANK
2.DPS. The BLM needs to be worked on for smarter sleeping. (when the enemy splits up, it gets crazy).
PLD priority 1.healer, removed circle of scorn because it would wake up the rest of the enemies.
BRD priority 1.healer, 2.healer. will usually go after enemy BRD then PLD after healer is dead.
BLM priority 1.tank 2.dps for sleeps, took out aoe spells so it didn't wake up the sleeping.
WHM, I used the assist bot with PVP focused on priority 1.healer. it really doesn't do much but stand there get hit/heal itself most of the time. I couldn't set it up to wake everyone up if they got slept. But I'm sure that's mostly on my lack of skill manager abilities.
What I will want to test next is a PVP PT; MRD/BRD/BRD/SCH w/pet. With that being said I don't recall seeing any bot options for the pets.
that's just me, I'm sure its because I suck at skill manager, but overall I think it's the Healer that needs an overhaul, it's very own update just for PVP. for WHM as well as SCH with pet options.
And last thing,
When you enter and leave PVP as a PT you don't get to commend other players with commendations, but, however if you enter PVP solo, you get the option to apply a commendation to other players, the PVP bot will exit the map way too fast to receive or even give commendations. So if you can slow that down, or even put in a check for it to randomly commend players before exiting. That would be fantastic! I'm sure players would appreciate the chance to trade commendations in for housing stuff.
I know you guys are busy, I just wanted to give some input on the PVP bot. You guys are doing an awesome job and I really appreciate your work!
I've noticed that MRD's are overwhelming, stupid powerful (and will probably get nerfed in the next update) in PVP at lvl 50, maybe from its additional cross classes and restat the MRD to all STR, we might look into building a PVP profile for MRD. They would hit my i90 BRD for 1.3-1.5k crits. (if anyone has a MRD PVP profile done please share with us, its amazing in PVP)
Marking Targets: If there was a way to mark targets/targeted, or focus attack on one that is marked in order of precedence it would make for a smarter more PT friendly PVP bot. For example, if my BRD or PLD is priority 1.healer, first to find the healer would mark it "1", and the other bots would move in on that marked enemy, or if a non bot player marks a target, my bots would focus on that marked target.
Priority: If there could be a more specific drop down list; blm > smn whm > sch. a lot of matches I watched the bots run, the other members usually have a priority list of what they want killed first, if available.
Solo PVP: BARD, takes forever to get in as dps, 30 mins minimum wait time. priority 1.healer 2.healer, it makes the bot kill the main healer first, then it hunts down other enemies that cast the next healing spell. good win ratio if you don't get slept.
Party PVP: 2 bots, depending on setup, I went PLD/BRD. set to focus on healer. 1/4 on wins. When the PLD chases the healer all over the map, you know your going to lose.
Party PVP: 3 bots, PLD/BRD/WHM. 0 wins out of 10 tries. The WHM doesn't do well, it acts like a DPS.
I plan to test out 3 bots without the WHM. I'm sure the results would be cleaner.
Party PVP: 4 bots, PLD/BRD/BLM/WHM. 1/10 wins. Of course its the WHM that makes or breaks you. I had BLM on sleeps focus on 1.TANK
2.DPS. The BLM needs to be worked on for smarter sleeping. (when the enemy splits up, it gets crazy).
PLD priority 1.healer, removed circle of scorn because it would wake up the rest of the enemies.
BRD priority 1.healer, 2.healer. will usually go after enemy BRD then PLD after healer is dead.
BLM priority 1.tank 2.dps for sleeps, took out aoe spells so it didn't wake up the sleeping.
WHM, I used the assist bot with PVP focused on priority 1.healer. it really doesn't do much but stand there get hit/heal itself most of the time. I couldn't set it up to wake everyone up if they got slept. But I'm sure that's mostly on my lack of skill manager abilities.
What I will want to test next is a PVP PT; MRD/BRD/BRD/SCH w/pet. With that being said I don't recall seeing any bot options for the pets.
that's just me, I'm sure its because I suck at skill manager, but overall I think it's the Healer that needs an overhaul, it's very own update just for PVP. for WHM as well as SCH with pet options.
And last thing,
When you enter and leave PVP as a PT you don't get to commend other players with commendations, but, however if you enter PVP solo, you get the option to apply a commendation to other players, the PVP bot will exit the map way too fast to receive or even give commendations. So if you can slow that down, or even put in a check for it to randomly commend players before exiting. That would be fantastic! I'm sure players would appreciate the chance to trade commendations in for housing stuff.
I know you guys are busy, I just wanted to give some input on the PVP bot. You guys are doing an awesome job and I really appreciate your work!