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[Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013>
Just to let you guys know, there won't be a new version, as much as I don't like saying it...(spent so much time on it T_T)
I can't get the time to finish it, and likely won't be able to do that for a while.
If the patch gets released that renders this version unuseable i will update it to make it work again.

If there are issues with the current version, let me know what they are so i can fix them...

Sorry about the long wait and not showing anything, i just don't think there is a need for it since the inbuilt version is now released :)

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RE: [Module] Crafting Tool v2.1.1 + FIX 2 <18/11/2013> - by ymko - 12-25-2013, 12:19 AM

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