08-21-2014, 01:36 PM
random new things being added all the time is more of a joke then truth, it might be added to beta but we shouldnt have to use a beta product for the premium price we pay and have to deal with all the errors. I believe questing was brought up over 6 months ago and has been in the works since I just believe that for premium price there should of been a quicker release build then whats been happening. I know the devs are busy with lifeand all that shit but charge less if you cant push in a fair amount of time. That being said, the bot DOES WHAT I NEED IT TO DO. I JUST REALLY HATE THE DEVS NOT MODS FOR HOW SLOW THEY ARE COMPARED TO THE PRICE THEY CHARGE SO DONT GO FANBOY ON ME JACKIE!!!! Also, klep you are a incredibly annoying and frustrating person. Maybe if you made friends and STOPPED BEING A COMPLETE IDIOT, you might get more help. I thought you were going to quit if you couldnt raid? Please quit. thanks.