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Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE?
Does the ffxiv client needs to start with minion or thru the ffxiv launcher?

I manage to reach 96 packet and sent it by 1700ms. unfortunately, nothing happens eventhough i can free roam.

This is the way i did for the wpe hack:

- start ffxiv thru minion
- when it reach, the start button. I stop the minion. (to stop the automation)
- login with my 2nd character (with Minion menu enabled)
- i open the craft log (not yet click synthesis button)
- i set up wpe pro 0.9a and attach ffxiv.
- (Back to ffxiv client) i started the minion - crafting
- wait til the last stage before the exp pops up
- when the last stage start on crafting, i start wpe play button then stop after the exp pops up. (the sudden stop is to avoid more packets to be recorded, unfortunately im getting more than 4 and less than 8 packets).
- my character is on craft log menu waiting for another synthesis (currently on kneel stance "craft stance"). - Not doing any FFXIV Client -
- (Back to WPE Pro 0.9a) Only 1 96 packet found. Right click on that packet and send.
- Set it Continously and 1700 ms then click the Play Button.
- WPE Pro says "connection open succesful" and my character starts to stand up (no exp after sending).
- cancel the craft log and start to free roam but no exp. :(

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - by Freezerburn - 02-24-2015, 09:32 AM

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