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Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE?
(02-21-2015, 11:59 AM)Kaeyt Sith Wrote:  Thanks Kitanoi, appreciate the time spent on this, have tried again still not working /grrrrrr
are you even getting packets showing up?

Well, anyone that knows about this ought to have their professions to 50 already by now, so I'll go ahead and spoil this.
Its been over 2 months, so if they get mad, thats their own fault. I figure the next big patch might break this anyhow, so might as well put it out.

First, this requires some materials still, but far fewer than normal.
This is NOT crafting without materials. You will not receive the item "crafted", only the experience, therefor this is only helpful in leveling.

Choose a level-appropiate item to craft, and gather some materials to make it.
It may take anywhere from one to four tries to get it right, so take enough. ((NOT big stacks tho. Youll see why later))

In WPE, target FFXIV.
Set the options to only show SEND.
Leveling crafting 1-50 with minimal materials-del.png

In WPE, click the PLAY button to record,
quickly go back to FFXIV and press the key to increase progress of crafting an item (I suggest Flawless Synthesize II)
and press STOP in WPE.

You will have about 1-4 packets captured.
If I have too many packets, I prefer to try again and try to get only 1 packet captured.
The packet size should be 88. [EDIT: 96 now]

Right click the packet and click SEND.
Set it to CONTINUOUSLY, and TIMER: 2600.
If you set the timer too low, you will go through the action constantly but not receive the EXP.

Press the PLAY button to send the packets.
Your materials will continue to be consumed until there is zero left,
once there is zero, you will still continue crafting for the exp, despite having no materials left.

And thats all there is to it.
I suggest going to a secluded area, because your character will stand up after each action and it looks odd.
Then... you just leave it to level.
Once you level too high to gain good experience, just buy materials for a higher craft item and make that instead.

Please note that when you stop sending the packets,
you will need to close the game and reopen it because your character will be stuck in place and unable to preform any actions.
Kaeyt. If you still can't get it to work I can try and share screen on skype or something.

When you hit play on send packets. you need to be kneeling down with the craft window up. I.E. you must have completed a synth and not exicted the crafting window.

When your character gets suck and is unable to move, your are doing right (this happens to me everytime I do more then 1 sent packet synth). If you send the next 96 size packet (may be the 2nd 96 size packet after the one you are on continuous for) it will force you to stand back up and allow you to free roam.

This does give you achievement credit, and builds FC points for an HQ synth even if no mats are consumed
How do you unstuck yourself, besides logging?
(02-21-2015, 08:06 PM)Alxrocks Wrote:  How do you unstuck yourself, besides logging?

if you let it record after you finish the last synth you will get a second 96 packet that "ends" crafting
Can anyone confirm that this works for HQing the endgame hard to HQ stuff like 4 star recipes? You would have to HQ it at least once to get it to work right?
If you would like guaranteed HQ it would have to be 100% quality that you record otherwise it will be rng based if you get hq or not for following synths.
anyone try it with melding?
it only works with crafting. nothing else.
Hi Guys,
I'm considering trying this myself - whats the likely hood of it being detectable besides being observed by other players?
It is as risky, if not more than minion.

As Chichard put it; "It is not if you get banned, it is when."

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