02-14-2015, 06:58 PM
Hello, new user and unsure on how to file bug reports correctly, but here's a try!
I've been trying to set up some skillmanager profiles for crafting using the IQ-stacks and didn't get the results I wanted.
After examining the code in ffxiv_skillmgr.lua I found 2 errors in the IQ-stack calculations.
1. Upon using the skill Inner Quiet, you recive 1 stack of IQ. The code does not account for this.
2. Undefined behavior depending if you start the synth with HQ mats or not. If only using NQ mats your starting quality is 0 and upon using your first touch action the IQ-stacks won't count up as SkillMgr.lastquality is 0. But if you're using HQ mats the amount of IQ stacks will count up on the first touch
I've been trying to set up some skillmanager profiles for crafting using the IQ-stacks and didn't get the results I wanted.
After examining the code in ffxiv_skillmgr.lua I found 2 errors in the IQ-stack calculations.
1. Upon using the skill Inner Quiet, you recive 1 stack of IQ. The code does not account for this.
2. Undefined behavior depending if you start the synth with HQ mats or not. If only using NQ mats your starting quality is 0 and upon using your first touch action the IQ-stacks won't count up as SkillMgr.lastquality is 0. But if you're using HQ mats the amount of IQ stacks will count up on the first touch
local iqfound=false
if ( TableSize(pbuffs) > 0) then
for i, buff in pairs(pbuffs) do
if (buff.id == 251) then
-- first time we have the buff
if ( SkillMgr.lastquality == 0 ) then
SkillMgr.lastquality = synth.quality
elseif ( synth.quality > SkillMgr.lastquality ) then
-- second time in here with increased quality -> we gained a stack IQ
SkillMgr.lastquality = synth.quality
SkillMgr.currentIQStack = SkillMgr.currentIQStack + 1
iqfound = true