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Hiding the sprint buff icon for permasprint
I know its possible but would you guys be willing to implement the permasprint feature without adding the ingame buff for sprint? It kind of sucks for screenshots/streaming when people are like yo y is ur tp full and ur sprinting lols

thank you
if you screenshot or stream yourself cheating you have serious problems. we are not the right people to talk to about that.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
why would you stream while using the bot or its hacks? if the buff doesnt tip them off the HUD will. smh
Why not just put an image over your buff icons and party list like many streamers do.

As it is handled by the software you can still play as if the image wasn't there.

For the screenshot, scrolllock it.
since you can move your bufficons wherever you want, you can move them anywhere where your streaming overlay comes in (many streamers do this to also anonymize other names/chat/guild inventory etc)

for screenshot... well I never had any kind of problem like that to be truthful I just closed all windows and snipped the upper lil overlay. No one is any wiser (I doubt anyone is gonna seize your screenshot srsly)
the thing about hiding it is when you join a party its still next to your name and then you have to hide the party buff list too and thats just dumb when its probably pretty easy to just not show the icon

90% of my use for minion is permasprint without opening something else and the automated login lol I dont tele farm anything and I certainly wouldnt stream blatant cheating

it was a question, if you dont want to thats fine

[Image: bfe7dff9af60f42a934cbeb7f5e36edb.PNG]
rip in peace
"rip in peace" = "rest in peace in peace" sounds kinda redundant.
(03-01-2015, 02:38 PM)tadeus Wrote:  "rip in peace" = "rest in peace in peace" sounds kinda redundant.
It's a meme.
you do know that nobody else sees the unlimited sprint icon besides your screen, right?
Screenshot isn't any problem, just cross out all the little windows and hit Ctrl+B.

As for streaming...even if you could hide the permasprint icons, it isn't going to hide the constant "sprint" animation (very much different than normal walking), nor is it going to prevent the popup of new bot windows every time you switch classes, so...just don't do it.

Also, friends and I have tested this a long time ago (and I'm sure it's posted up somewhere on the forums confirming it), but no one but you sees that permasprint icon.

We tested it by clicking on each other to check for buffs and running back and forth--there is no way to tip another person off that you are permasprinting except for when if you and another person move right next to each other, you'd be much faster with no sprint animation. I usually get around this by just being a monk with Fists of Wind on or a Bard with Swiftsong, or just being a ninja. That way it's not suspicious if you move faster.

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