03-24-2015, 07:48 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 07:48 AM by sistwocc.)
i found a new bug i have two unspoiled nodes marks set with in same map one is start point and the other is my unspoiled node (darksteel)
what happens is when it telapotrs to anther map for one of the Unspoiled node and then comes back it will go to the Black maker 1st then run all the way to the red maker this shoud not happen as the Unspoiled maker in red maker is the start maker and also the minning maker for Ice shards
once it gets back to the red maker is minnes no problem
i think there is a littel glitch someway and i know its not my makers
03-24-2015, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 01:06 PM by sistwocc.)
i have no maker at the black make on that map and all my markers are set right
this only happens when it returns back to the map coz when it goes to unsoplied node for Darksteel it goes right back to the red and contuie but when it comes back for gold ore unspoiled node thats in dirfernt map it runs to the back make and then does a 180 and goes to the red make
u dont get it
my unspoild makers are
Start Location currently set in Coerthas Central Highlands (Dragon head) (24x19y)
Darksteel Ore set in Coerthas Central Highlands (Dragon head)(x27,y19) working used for pasted week
gold ore set in Eastern Thanalan (x28,y22) working used for pasted week
the bot will start minning my shards thats what its meant to do
when unspoild node time comes >>Darksteell Ore [1]<< it goes there as its not fair minnings that and then goes back to the shards once fished
when unspoild node time comes >>Gold Ore [9] << it telaports to Eastern Thanalan and goes to the location and minnins it when it returens to Coerthas Central Highlands for my shards it will 1st go to the black maker on the map above and then it will go to the red make on map above and then startes to minning my shards
i dont know how much more simple i can make this for you to understand
It was mentioned in the tutorial that whenever you edit locations (any changes I believe. like saving it and stuff) that you have to be in the current zone of your marker.
So that means if you had inadvertently touched anything and you weren't in the intended location, it may have messed something up?
That's just my guess.
Try deleting that location and setting it up again. It shouldn't take long.
Though personally I'm curious too because my unspoiled gathering sometimes does this. I don't really mind because I don't care too much about what it does in its down time since I have an Unspoiled to be gathered somewhere almost all the time, but I would also like to help with figuring out if there's anything wrong or if we're doing something wrong.
nothink is is set up worng i have 5 difften start location coz i move around alot for the shards when im not geting the Ice shards they all work the way they are meant to it is only the Ice that seams to have the problem i have deleted all the nodes with in that map and made them agen and it still does it
like i say there is a bug with in the bot scriped/software and it would be nice to get a fix for it but for know i can handle it