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Any 3.0 Addons For The Bot Store?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am wondering if there is/willbe/anyone working on 3.0 content for the store addons? I think that's the best thing ever with the pack available 1-50 right now but I am curious if there will be a 50 to 60 package in the future? Took 3 classes to 60 and I'm sadly already over the grind haha
currently i think latty is working on quest profiles from 50-60 he just needs flying to work before he can fully finish them. This would be for the story line. Leveling up alt classes I hope that Sebbs is working on class quests so that you can level alts up similar to how we do 1-50 alts. via fates and huntlogs and changing zone as needed.
@jackie, sebbs is working on the class quests he should be near done with them
Honestly I would pay for pre-made markers for unspoiled. Also I am hoping 50-60 is either free to purchasers of the 1-50 or at least not in the same price range.
I asked hans if it could be discounted for buyers of the 1-50.
He said no.

My class pack is done all i can test b4 the whole grind fate stuff can be tested...

We are all playing the waiting game atm
class pack for 50-60 done good news, when we can test it or buy it? :)
(09-19-2015, 12:44 AM)sebbs Wrote:  I asked hans if it could be discounted for buyers of the 1-50.
He said no.

My class pack is done all i can test b4 the whole grind fate stuff can be tested...

We are all playing the waiting game atm

I am glad you tried to discount it for the purchasers of your pack, of which I am one. :)

Do you mind if I ask when we can expect more details in regards to your 50-60?
50-60 i would assume would be just like his 1-50, do fates huntlogs and class qeusts at the correct level changing zones as needed. Latty and Sebbs are just waiting for flying to be added.
Ace also has some navigation stuff yo do for sccessing xones after some quests.. correct pathing grind zones etc.
(09-19-2015, 12:44 AM)sebbs Wrote:  I asked hans if it could be discounted for buyers of the 1-50.
He said no.
Haha. Thanks for asking :P

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