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Farming Red Scrips
Is there any way to make the bot gather collectibles?

When I try gathering with mining, it opens the collectible window and then stops.

The fields for collectible gathers are in the UI, so am I just using the bot wrong?
If it all works as it should then.. you need to setup a skill profile that will activate collector's gloves and do your collecting skills before trying to gather~
Haven't done it myself yet though so I can't offer a profile for it.
I tried that, but none of the collector's skills will trigger. It gathers once to reveal the item, activates Collector's Glove, gathers again to open the window, and then nothing happens.
the bot currently does not reconize the collectible UI for mining and botany, if you watch console when trying this as soon as it hits the item and the collectible UI opens the node disapears on your screen so it basically thinks the node is gone and sits there with the window open trying to move to next objective/node/zone. fishing is the only way to bot red scrips for now and its actually much faster and more abundant then min/bot. so if you have FSH at 60 id look into getting the legendary fisher module and get all the blue+ red scrips you will ever need
I will try to finalize the collectibles for bot/min today. It's a bit trickier than the others and I don't really have one to test with so it's a bit of a shot in the dark.
I'll work on getting Legendary Fisher when I get off work. Getting Bot/Min would also be helpful, since my 2nd account only has Botany at the moment.
(09-09-2015, 01:17 PM)bandit420 Wrote:  the bot currently does not reconize the collectible UI for mining and botany, if you watch console when trying this as soon as it hits the item and the collectible UI opens the node disapears on your screen so it basically thinks the node is gone and sits there with the window open trying to move to next objective/node/zone. fishing is the only way to bot red scrips for now and its actually much faster and more abundant then min/bot. so if you have FSH at 60 id look into getting the legendary fisher module and get all the blue+ red scrips you will ever need

If you need help testing this. I can help. I have MIN/BTN at 60 and all blue scrip books.
You need to level up Fishing. I max my red scrips every week fishing up Thunderbolt Eels using the Legendary Fisher addon.

No collectible rotation required.
(09-09-2015, 08:52 PM)Jessix Wrote:  You need to level up Fishing. I max my red scrips every week fishing up Thunderbolt Eels using the Legendary Fisher addon.

No collectible rotation required.

same here but catch tiny axolotl

fishing - the best way to farm blue\red scrips
I know Ace is working on this but here's my modified files to get collectable gathering working - Thanks Ace for putting in the CNE already :)

Just had to flesh out the collectable CNE and modify SkillMgr to allow for multiple gather skills.

Still working on this - :) - Lots of new commented stuff in files.
Want to get PreviousSkill in the Gather Skill list next and fix passing of item into SkillMgr.Gather()

Attached Files
.zip   collectable (Size: 37.18 KB / Downloads: 27)

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