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Grind Settings
Where can I find saved setting for this? I went through a couple of LUA files but all I could find were the window's parameters. I am using Sebb's full quest pack in conjunction with this and it seems to be constantly resetting itself to its own preset values. For example it will change to start boss fate at 1% and reset that value after a few minutes of bot running.

[Image: 24faah2.jpg]
bet you not tried to look into the one that would be most logical named:


* representing a bunch of letters and numbers


gFateBattleWaitPercent = 0,
gFateBossWaitPercent = 0,
gFateChainWaitPercent = 0,
gFateDefenseWaitPercent = 0,
gFateEscortWaitPercent = 0,
gFateGatherWaitPercent = 0,
Questing sets it to "safe" values on it's own, the quest pack has no control over this and nothing you can do on your end will affect it either.
(09-16-2015, 02:24 PM)Ace Wrote:  Questing sets it to "safe" values on it's own, the quest pack has no control over this and nothing you can do on your end will affect it either.

Alright. Thank you.

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