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fishing whitelist

I have this task
[2] = {
            ["type"] = "fishing";
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 400;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = -103.4115524292;
                ["y"] = -42.41520690918;
                ["z"] = 917.88110351563;
                ["h"] = 0.2081093788147;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 17;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["usemooch"] = true;
            ["usepatience"] = true;
            ["usepatience2"] = false;
            ["usechum"] = false;
            ["whitelist"] = 512821;
            ["baitname"] = "Giant Crane Fly";        
            ["maxtime"] = 30000;

but it still keeps every fish... what am I doing wrong?

Edit: Ok found it somewhere, it has to look like this it seems
["whitelist"] = "512828;12741";

Another Edit: While the syntax seems to be correct like above, it doesn't work 100%. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it keeps wrong fish, and sometimes releases the right one (just watched it keeping one NQ Pipira Pira and then releasing the next one ;))
since whitelist is officially in the example lua, I adapted my profile like this:

["whitelist"] = "Pipira Pira";
["whitelistHQ"] = "Pipira Pira";

though it still keeps other fish... obviously whitelist is easier to handle which is why I want to avoid blacklist, anything wrong with my setting?
That's my fault, it should be ["whitelisthq"], I listed it incorrectly in the example.
(10-20-2015, 12:35 PM)Ace Wrote:  That's my fault, it should be ["whitelisthq"], I listed it incorrectly in the example.

ok, but that would only explain realeasing HQ Pipira Pira (which it didn't btw ;)), though not keeping some other fish?
If the tag was listed as you had it, it would basically keep anything HQ.
There's also a little bug within our inventory API where the name is not always pulled for some reason, which could also be contributing to the issue, which I will be reworking in just a bit.
(10-20-2015, 01:33 PM)Ace Wrote:  If the tag was listed as you had it, it would basically keep anything HQ.

ok, understood, no correct whitelisthq=keep everything HQ, seems reasonable... I'll continue to watch ;)

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