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Stat Weights
Just noticed I can input my own stat weights into the game for the auto equip which is amazing. Noticed the Dex based class stat weights wont allow me to enter in Dex as a value so my bard is putting on random caster gear etc. Also would be nice to instead of just using a weight if we could set a cap as well for accuracy. And having seperate stat weights for different classes instead of grouping them would be better. A Bard will have higher need for Crit then a Mach for example.
My bard is also constantly putting on intelligence gear, sometimes of even lower iLvl than my dex gear I had on previously. Not sure how to change this
ace will have to fix this stat as it is not in the normal lua i dont think least i have not ran into it
Fix is ready to go, will be up when somebody is around to release it.

As for the other suggestions, the max stat is not possible since I can't read the player stats, and the weights per class is just not something I'm interested in doing. I didn't even want to do the adjustable weights at all, since I think it's not really even something that's necessary for the scope of what they are used for at the moment, but I was tired of the whining.
Thank you for the fix and sorry to bother Ace. The auto equip is nice but your right its not worth too much for what it is used for. Either way the fix on not putting on the wrong main stat is nice and appreciated.

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