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Gathering Profile
Hello, I'm trying to create a gathering profile, gathering from a few different map locations.
The issue is that once it complete a task it won't go onto the next task. Although console says its Removing task [x] from valid tasks, and its Added task [x+1] to the low priority queue.

If i stop/start the bot it realizes its went over the # i set it to gather, and teleports to the next aetheryte.
Adding duplicates of the task doesn't seem to have helped.

local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 2;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 1;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["minlevel"] = 1;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 200;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Water Shard";
             ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 610"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(13) >= 610"] = true;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Botany+Miner!";
            ["mapid"] = 137;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 328.20166015625;
                ["y"] = 31.887353897095;
                ["z"] = 604.55004882813;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = false;    
            ["usecollect"] = false;
        [2] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["minlevel"] = 1;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 200;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Water Shard";
             ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 600"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(13) >= 600"] = true;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Botany+Miner!";
            ["mapid"] = 137;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 328.20166015625;
                ["y"] = 31.887353897095;
                ["z"] = 604.55004882813;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = false;    
            ["usecollect"] = false;
        [3] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["minlevel"] = 1;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 200;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Water Shard";
             ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 2930"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(13) >= 2930"] = true;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Botany+Miner!";
            ["mapid"] = 137;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 328.20166015625;
                ["y"] = 31.887353897095;
                ["z"] = 604.55004882813;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = false;    
            ["usecollect"] = false;
        [4] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["minlevel"] = 1;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 200;
            ["item1"] = "Wind Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Wind Shard";
             ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(10) < 2925"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(10) >= 2925"] = true;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Botany+Miner!";
            ["mapid"] = 152;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = -171.84387207031;
                ["y"] = -1.089918255806;
                ["z"] = 168.67820739746;
                ["h"] = 2.6402614116669;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = false;    
            ["usecollect"] = false;

Hope someone can help! Thanks.
i know jack diddly about making my profiles I feel super retarded but I am myself seeking a shard mining profile where it would say mine for 1-2 hours and switch to mining another shard type ex: FIRE>WATER>WIND>EARTH
Hope you get it working bub.

FYI yes I have watched the videos 2-4 times each I still don't get it lol
there are profiles already made and being shared by people that farm shards/crystals.
Does it change the task index to the new task in the status dropdown?

The "Removing [x] from valid tasks", doesn't necessarily mean that that task is completed, just that it cannot be undertaken again.

You might try using ItemCount() for the complete to see if this changes the result at all, you seem to be wanting a specific number of shards anyway so using inventory gains function doesn't quite seem to be on-base with what you're trying to accomplish.

Just for clarification, the inventory gains function means that it will gather 610 more of the crystal, so if you started at 609, the task is not complete until you have 1219 crystals.
["complete"] = {
["ItemCount(13) < 610"] = false;
(12-09-2015, 05:33 AM)Ace Wrote:  You might try using ItemCount() for the complete to see if this changes the result at all, you seem to be wanting a specific number of shards anyway so using inventory gains function doesn't quite seem to be on-base with what you're trying to accomplish.

Just for clarification, the inventory gains function means that it will gather 610 more of the crystal, so if you started at 609, the task is not complete until you have 1219 crystals.

It worked! Changing Complete to ItemCount() made it switch tasks! Thanks!ThumbsUp
I also wanted to make profiles based on time. So he'd gather from one map for 30minutes, then switch to a different map for 30minutes.
Is this possible? I tried implementing [timeout], but it doesn't seem to work.
use ["maxtime"] for that, it's in milliseconds so 30 minutes would be 30 x 60 x 1000 = 1800000
(12-09-2015, 10:20 PM)Ace Wrote:  use ["maxtime"] for that, it's in milliseconds so 30 minutes would be 30 x 60 x 1000 = 1800000

Sweet, thanks! Worked! ThumbsUp
Are there any listings of the syntax anywhere? Right now I'm just scavenging other people's profiles. Which, probably isn't the best thing to do.
Look in the Example.lua :)

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