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navmesh report and some questions

first, i want to report a not meshed unspoiled node

map id: 400
x: 223.13348388672
y: 218.53285217285
z: -657.54119873047

second point:
in HW zones, nodes are far from each other, each times i can gather 1st and second place, but not the third one, bot just wait.
I saw in example.lua that the radius of entity scan is limited to 120. but in some HW zones, nodes are more far than 120.

i try this (1 task per nodes group) but it don't execute the task, it stop before complete condition is true, and go to next task, when other tasks are ok, it teleport again to this place and do the same thing
(my profile is long, i just paste this piece of code)
[1] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 401;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 514;
                ["y"] = -113;
                ["z"] = 433;
            ["timeout"] = 2000;
            ["skillprofile"] = "min cristal eau";
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["radius"] = 500;
            ["whitelist"] = "1";
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 7000"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) >= 7000"] = true;
        [17] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 401;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 652;
                ["y"] = -124.25;
                ["z"] = 330;
            ["timeout"] = 2000;
            ["skillprofile"] = "min cristal eau";
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["whitelist"] = "1";
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 7000"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) >= 7000"] = true;
        [18] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 401;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 719;
                ["y"] = -97.36;
                ["z"] = 450;
            ["timeout"] = 2000;
            ["skillprofile"] = "min cristal eau";
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["whitelist"] = "1";
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 7000"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                   ["ItemCount(13) >= 7000"] = true;

my control of ffXIVminion is not so good, usually, i try to understand things by myself, but here i need some help ^^

there is a way to gathering in zones where nodes are far from each other? maybe 1 tasks divided in subtasks, i don't know how it can be doable.

in profile is it possible to enter a position be placed in the air (base position), for looking less bottish?

and finally, in a profile, is it possible to call other profile or something similar
ex: do gathering, then fishing, then mob farming

thx for help
first you should read my signature and report all mesh related issues in the correct thread. and a quick search of marker teams or gathering profiles would solve your gathering issue.

atm the bot doesnt have the function built in to switch to fishing/gathering/grind on its own.
The code you have should already be able to swap between multiple locations when the nodes are far apart, that is what the "timeout" directive handles. If no nodes are found it moves onto the next spot.

The pos can be placed in the air without issue.

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