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Bug - with fate grind mode
This hasnt ever happened before. I am on grind mode in my usual place in Eastern La Noscea. With the escort fate, and careless whiskers fate, my character just runs up to the escort npc - targets it and does nothing - there are mobs around, even attacking the escort. With careless whiskers fate, he runs up and just targets one of the yellowjacket npcs and does nothing either.

Any help?


EDIT: also noticed (fate name 9-5, he just targets the yellojacket npcs and just does nothing) in other places when doing 1-50 quest pack, he will just stand still and target chocobo companion doing nothing :( I've reinstalled everything but still has these little glitches
I think it's a bug introduced with the latest update(s). Mine didn't start doing this either until I updated today.
Looking into it
(01-21-2016, 04:12 PM)fxfire Wrote:  fixed , thanks for reporting it

Idk I'm still having issues, it just walks up and stands around... shits irritating af.
Im having the same issue now.
(01-21-2016, 05:41 PM)fxfire Wrote:  what the banana is going on oO
I uploaded a new bot version ...seems ok to me now ...but please tell me if it is not...

(restart mininapp to grab the update!)

Yeah friend said there where some updates & it still wasn't working but the most recent one seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks! :D

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