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banned and got my accounts back - help plz
so i recently had 4 of my bots banned for using a broken duty bot which caused the spiralling motion in the air
i was given a ban i think for 5 days (email told me i would have them back on the 5th)
so my questions are really what i should be doing or i should say, what i can be doing botting wise

should i leave them and play legit for a hwile (i cant play all four thats insane tho)

any insight would be very helpful 

thanks as always minion has one of the best communities

also what do they do while banned? i don't really see anything different with my accounts, in other games i know that they remove alot of levels and even sometimes money if you are caught botting.........
your account is just suspended, they dont alter your stats, just put a lock on it, i think the only ppl that have account modification done are ppl who are caught doing RMT, in which case they probally take out all the gil from the account.
so is it safe to start botting on them again?
you can just not duty
botting is never safe.
well up until doing the duties i was botting them without a hitch
i mean have they put any specific parameters to catch out people again if they already got caught
when I got my 5 banned I said nothing, not even an email reply. I sat quietly. I got 3 back then the last 2 a day later.

And mine was also for the duty glitching. I don't bot duty anymore...and I sold those accounts.

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