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App crashing
Hello everyone. I'm opening this thread 'cuz i'm having problems with FFXIV+MinionAPP.
I logged this morning (like 6 hours ago) and started FFXIV and MinionAPP grinding some Fates with a second class and it was working as usual. I came back after lunch and tried to start FFXIV and MinionAPP again, but every time i click on "Attach bot" my game crashes or close completely.
What could be the problem? I tried rebooting my PC like 3 times or checking for updates but nothing worked.
I'm having the same problem. Game ran fine in the early morning, but now I can't even get it to attach with it saying something about manipulating the client or minion saying unable to connect to auth server.

Windows 10
No antivirus
Manually attached
(10-22-2016, 05:39 PM)Primeman Wrote:  I'm having the same problem. Game ran fine in the early morning, but now I can't even get it to attach with it saying something about manipulating the client or minion saying unable to connect to auth server.

Windows 10
No antivirus
Manually attached

Edit. Figured out my problem. I just switched WTfast to PingZapper
(10-22-2016, 05:32 PM)fxfire Wrote:  soudns weird....restarted the PC already `?
Please make a HelpTicket and include the following info:
What Windows version are you running ?
What Antivirus are you running ?
You manually attach the bot to the game ?
You are trying to attach to the DX9 version of ffxiv?
Please make a screenshot of your "Installed Programs and Features" , so we can see if you run programs that cause crashes. You can use
Also post THE LAST PAGE of both files : C:\Minionapp\log.txt and minionlauncherinfo.txt in there.

No antivirus
DX9, i know mmominion has no support for DX11
Manually Attached

I can't take screenshot right now 'cuz i tried repairing my game installation from steam and it seems it worked out. I'll edit if the problem comes out again later.

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