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Micro-Stuttering Every 15 Seconds w/ Bot Attached (Running/Not Running)
This problem has persisted on two entirely different machines. I will list both specifications here.

Quote:What OS are you running?
Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit
Windows 7 Home 64-Bit

What AV is installed?
Windows Defender (Win10)
Microsoft Security Essentials (Win7)

Where is the bot installed?(installed path)
Default directory (C:\MINIONAPP).
Directory is in the AV scan exclusion list.
MINIONAPP.exe is allowed through the default firewall.

Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?

Do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?

Did you follow the install instructions found HERE
Yes (DVR disabled).

Are you running the bot as admin?
Yes on both instances.

Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?
Tried both. Issue persists whether attaching automatically or manually.

Are you running any Bot addons?
None. Fresh install.

I've been trying to troubleshoot this micro-stuttering issue for quite some time.

Upon attaching FFXIVMinion, the game client stutters precisely every 15 seconds (brief FPS spike drop). The bot does not have to be running for it to occur.

The game itself runs perfectly smoothly without the bot attached.

Issue persisted on an older i7-6700k / RX 290X / 16GB RAM machine, and is still present on my newer Ryzen 7 1800X / GTX 1080 Ti / 32GB RAM machine.

I do not know what function within the bot would cause it to stutter precisely every 15 seconds. Using the newest drivers and Windows updates.

All settings within the bot are default and have not been changed. Please help.
Tried turning just about every visible setting on and off to no avail.

A small visual example of the problem, with the character looking at the ground and FPS capped to 60:

[Image: LeadingDeliciousAmbushbug-max-14mb.gif]

The framerate doesn't simply go down - the whole client locks up for a fraction of a second. Every 15 seconds.

This stuttering poses a major problem for me as it affects my recordings and streams. Can anyone help?
Kicking this post back up, i have the exact same issue, just different pc specs, is there any fix to this?
Video of it here:
Same issue here to be honest. Could not find the answer by myself so I stoped looking. The longer the game is on it gets more annoying.
Same thing here, I've been trying to figure out the cause of it and nothing works.
I even reinstalled the app twice already and redownloaded everything, same problem without any addons installed since I thought that was causing it in the first place.
Completely reinstalled it, all I did was update the bot and went in game again, same stutter.
Not even G-sync works on that
im having this issues but mines random in combat or just stutters and get huge fps drops randomly
I am also getting this issue while in combat, all details same as OP.
Started occurring for me as well today.
It appears in my case Husbando's Toolbox was the culprit.

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