05-08-2019, 07:24 PM
hello I would like to create a profile to collect several resources in the following but here is the bot do not switch resources once the number of object collect reach here the code
local obj1 = {
["setup"] = {
["gearsetmining"] = 2;
["gearsetbotany"] = 4;
["tasks"] = {
[1] = {
--1= Mineral Deposit, 2 = Rockyoutcrop, 3 = Logging, 4 = Harvesting
--["whitelist"] = "1";
["minlevel"] = 11;
["maxlevel"] = 80;
["mapid"] = 141;
["radius"] = 110;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -343.3630065918,
["y"] = 0.45867717266083,
["z"] = 60.719562530518,
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Rock Salt";
["complete"] = {
["GetInventoryItemGains(5518) >= 10"] = true;
["skillprofile"] = "G_Gathering_Multi";
["gathermaps"] = false;
["dangerousarea"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 1;
[2] = {
--1= Mineral Deposit, 2 = Rockyoutcrop, 3 = Logging, 4 = Harvesting
["whitelist"] = "2";
["minlevel"] = 11;
["maxlevel"] = 80;
["mapid"] = 140;
["radius"] = 110;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 158.94462585449,
["y"] = 49.417846679688,
["z"] = -144.42074584961,
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Cinnabar";
["complete"] = {
["GetInventoryItemGains(5519) >= 10"] = true;
["skillprofile"] = "G_Gathering_Multi";
["gathermaps"] = false;
["dangerousarea"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 1;
[3] = {
["minlevel"] = 1;
["maxlevel"] = 80;
["mapid"] = 154;
["radius"] = 90;
["pos"] = {
["z"] = 243.54945373535;
["x"] = 435.30184936523;
["y"] = -2.6213250160217;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Maple Branch";
["complete"] = {
["GetInventoryItemGains(5396) >= 10"] = true;
["skillprofile"] = "G_Gathering_Multi";
["gathermaps"] = false;
["dangerousarea"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 1;
return obj1