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Will Patch 2.1 economy go down the drain? (Patch Day Exploits/Dupes)
(Not posting the link to the Chinese site via google translate which "claimed" that they will "inject" a "large amount Gil" to sell to their major clients to buy up the housing plot of land)

Based on Square Enix's notorious reputation for lack-of-security measures even for its own databases and the recent "Grand Theft Gil", what's to stop 600Million Gil from being "conjured"/duped out of nowhere?
Well, there was the case where someone can code and just 'tell' the server to give him anything, and it would. Like say.. Crap ton of EXP to hit 50 in less than 5 seconds. Won't surprise me if someone can just bring 600m to life. sadly, that big of currency can be traced. XD
well like me i have an FC with 15 bots in it and another 15 real people that play. I could dupe the gil across 15 of the acounts and donante it to the FC bank.

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