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Few things I've thought about the last couple of days that I personally think would improve the features of this bot:

A "teleport to" marker, for dungeon'ing and the like.
The bot would teleport to a marker, preferably underground, kill all the mobs in its attack range and move onto the next.
If teleporting to a marker underground is impossible, perhaps teleporting to a marker and then teleporting x feet down.
That would be fantastic for afk dungeon grinding. There would have to be some way to exit and re-Q for maximum afk..ness though ThumbsUp
And you wouldn't need to have another bot 'mode', just leave him on assist.

An improved grinding system, for grinding mobs for mats, rather than leveling. Some sort of flexibility for a user defined amount of time a bot should hunt at a specific grind marker, before he goes on to the next, or if there aren't any mobs left at a marker automatically go onto the next. Which might already be implemented and my bot's just being a bum.

A way to specify when I want my bot to speed hack, for example when he's ~50ft away from his destination and I want him to sprint, but don't want him to use all of his TP. (This would actually be marvelous)

Some way for a bot to interact with the market and sell items. For a user defined % off the average price, and having it port over to a market board to check every hour, or user defined amount of time, to see if he can add more.
Although this feature is probably still a ways away it is still worth mentioning for that distant, beautiful future.

Thanks, hope I wasn't a prick.
Happy botting.
so 2 you can already Blist specific mobs in the blist manager and each grind marker can have set time set to it then you put randomize markers on. then it will farm at one marker then move to the next.
I use the Specific Hunting module already, but you can set timers for each grind marker? How!?
All I see are the options to modify the amount of time spent gathering per gathering marker.
(love your class profiles btw)
you dont need specific hunting module. and you can put an option to randomize grind markers
you can code in an option to randomize grind markers? mm oh.. k. I'll check it out.
True, but I like it.
there is no CODE in to randomize grind markers... just go to the grind tab and put a tick in the box.
[Image: f0ui4j.jpg]


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